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May 6 2020 | 10:00 - 11:00am PDT

Webinars, Seminars and Presentations

Sponsor: National Fire Protection Association

Presenters: Nicole Mahrt-Ganley, American Property Casualty Insurance Association, Janet Ruiz, Insurance Information Institute

Despite the global challenges posed by COVID-19, another wildfire season is just around the corner. Join this two-part series that will help you prepare physically and financially to defend against the destructive threat of wildfire. Session One (May 6, 10-11 AM PDT) will feature experts focused on financial preparedness, while Session Two (date/time TBD) will offer low-cost, actionable tips and do-it-yourself weekend projects to better prepare your home for wildfire from the Insurance Institute for Business & Home Safety (IBHS). Join us to learn from and interact with wildfire and insurance experts who will address questions about protecting yourself and your property, including important home insurance tips. For anyone seriously concerned about the dangers posed by wildfire, these two 60-minute webinars will provide the information you need to stay informed and stay safe.

Who will benefit: Residents of wildfire prone areas, fire and life safety educators, first responders, builders and contractors, media, and insurance professionals.