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Oct 15 2013 | 2:00 - 3:00pm CDT

Webinars, Seminars and Presentations


Craig Maier or Tracy Hmielowski

Presenter: Dr. Scott Spak, University of Iowa

Smoke from prescribed fires in the Midwest can impact local and regional air quality, and even affect regional weather and climate. Air quality standards continue to grow more stringent, and air pollutants that influence climate are now regulated under the Clean Air Act, with black carbon and other warming particles increasingly seen as important short-term contributors to climatic change. Meeting these emerging challenges requires an updated toolkit for forecasting and controlling these effects of prescribed fires.

This session will:

  • Present an overview of the science and regulatory landscapes for fire impacts on air quality and climate
  • Introduce web-based forecasting tools for predicting the local to regional air quality and climate effects of prescribed burns
  • Provide a simulated burn workshop for informing fire planning with air quality forecasts
  • Offer opportunities for custom forecast products and support from the NASA Air Quality Applied Science Team

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