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  • Matthew P. Peters
  • Louis R. Iverson
    US Forest Service, Northern Research Station
  • US Forest Service, Research Data Archive
Funding Source(s):
  • US Forest Service, Northern Research Station
Publication Date: 2017

The wildfire hazard models are a set of 12 raster geospatial products produced by the USDA Forest Service, Northern Research Station that are intended to be used in analyses of wildfire hazards in the region of New Jersey, Ohio, and Pennsylvania. Each raster represents the monthly hazard of a wildfire occurring within a 30 meter pixel as a probability. A statistical model for each month was parameterized with an integrated moisture index, a cumulative drought severity index for the month during the period 2000 to 2009, percent forest cover, and wildland-urban interface classifications to predict the probability of wildfire occurrence based on reported wildfires. Each model included 10 iterations and the raster products of average, minimum, maximum, median, and standard deviation of the predicted probability of a wildfire occurrence is provided. All raster values were converted to integers by multiplying by 10 to reduce file sizes. Therefore, the range of probabilities is 0 to 1000 for the modeled occurrence of a wildfire. [This data product is archived in the USFS Research Data Archive, number RDS-2016-0035.]

Citation: Peters, Matthew P.; Iverson, Louis R. 2017. Eastern United States wildfire hazard model: 2000-2009. Fort Collins, CO: Forest Service Research Data Archive.
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Cataloging Information

  • CDSI - Cumulative Drought Severity Index
  • environment
  • landscape ecology
  • moisture index
  • New Jersey
  • Ohio
  • Pennsylvania
  • raster
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FRAMES Record Number: 25658