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Posted: Conference

Investigators who have conducted research on the Colorado Plateau are encouraged to submit abstracts for contributed papers and posters for this year's conference. Abstracts are invited from individuals or groups involved in natural and cultural resource management or conservation science or practice who can demonstrate an alignment with conference's theme and one or more of its interest areas, including (1) management of natural and cultural resources, (2) regional research, (3) policy, (4) education, and (5) conservation science and management.

Abstracts for contributed papers and posters for this year's conference will be accepted until Monday, July 1, 2013. Decisions will be announced no later than July 15, 2013.

Contributed Session Categories

Animal Ecology
Aquatic Ecosystems
Conservation Management and Planning
Cultural Resources Management
Drought and Climate Change Impacts
Energy Development and Wildlife
Fire Ecology and Fire Response
Native Plant Conservation
Nonnative Species
Reptiles and Amphibians Restoration and Preservation
Terrestrial and Riparian Plant Ecology

Selection Criteria

Abstracts will be evaluated by at least two reviewers. To increase the probability that your proposal will be selected for presentation, please consider the following criteria carefully: Scientific merit
Relevance to the host region
Relevance to conference's theme and interest areas
Novelty of the topic (not covered at the past three biennial conferences)

Guidelines for Abstract Submittal

Investigators are invited to submit abstracts for one oral presentation and/or one poster. Please complete the Abstract Submittal Form and send it to no later than Monday, July 1, 2013.

Location: Flagstaff, AZ
Deadline: July 1, 2013
Contact Name: NAU
Contact E-mail:
Contact Phone: (928) 523-0683
Expiration: July 2, 2013
Region(s): Southwest
Topic(s): Climate, Fire Ecology, Fire Effects, Fuels, Intelligence, Outreach, Planning, Restoration & Rehabilitation
Partner Site(s): N/A
