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Posted: Conference

Law, Planning and Wildfire in the Wildland-Urban Interface:
The Future of Government and Governance of Disaster in the West

Symposium Date:  Friday, October 19, 2018
Proposal Deadline:  January 1, 2018
Location: Boise, Idaho

Some questions conference participants may address include the following:

How should the West plan for, and govern for, wildfire in the WUI?
What legal and policy tools are needed to plan for wildfire in the WUI?
How should wildfire be implemented into the planning process?
What is the role of government in planning for WUI wildfires?
What is the role of markets, non-governmental entities, such as HOAs, and insurance in planning for WUI wildfires?
How should the secondary effects of wildfire - often aesthetic, flooding, and landslides - be worked into WUI development planning?

Click here for more information.
