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The Southwest Fire Science Consortium is partnering with FRAMES to help fire managers access important fire science information related to the Southwest's top ten fire management issues.

Displaying 531 - 540 of 599

LaRosa, Floyd-Hanna
The Endangered Species Act elevates the protection of rare taxa above most other management objectives on Federal lands. In determining the relative importance of rare taxa preservation to fire management goals, the manager is faced with a…
Year: 1995
Type: Document

'The rising cost of fire suppression activities prompted the Regional Fire Directors, under the leadership of the Director of Fire and Aviation Management, to review the causes of fire suppression costs and recommend appropriate actions. The 1994…
Year: 1995
Type: Document

Fishbein, Gori, Meggs
Canelo Hills Cienega in southeastern Arizona is a rare middle elevation wetland that is one of only four known habitats for the endangered orchid, Spiranthes delitescens. This wetland, a Nature Conservancy preserve, is a rare, remnant, perennially…
Year: 1995
Type: Document

Burroughs, Clark
Ecosystem management links human activities with the functioning of natural environments over large spatial and temporal scales. Our examination of Greater Yellowstone and Georges Bank shows similarities exist between human uses, administrative…
Year: 1995
Type: Document

Greater Yellowstone is described as the last large, nearly intact ecosystem in the northern temperate zone of the earth (Reese 1984;Keiter and Boyce 1991.) Conflict over management has been controversial, and the area is a flagship site among…
Year: 1995
Type: Document

A fire regime classification that recognizes stand-replacement, nonlethal understory, mixed and variable fire severities is discussed as a simplified approach for communicating widely about the natural role of fire. Examples of the fire regime types…
Year: 1995
Type: Document

Created through the Wildfire Disaster Recovery Act of 1989 (PL 101-286), in response to the destructive western fire season of 1987 and the Yellowstone fires of 1988, the Commission was asked to consider the environmental and economic effects of…
Year: 1994
Type: Document

From the text: 'Authorities pinpoint certain western forests so stressed and vulnerable that catastrophic fires threaten this summer. With over 10 million acres of forest showing serious stress in the West, wildfire is an enormous concern everywhere…
Year: 1994
Type: Document

'The heightened recognition within the research community of the ecological linkages between Local sites and larger spatial scales has spawned increasing calls for more holistic management of landscapes (Noss 1983, Harris 1984, Risser 1985, Norse et…
Year: 1994
Type: Document

This report offers findings and recommendations that address the threat of wildfires in forest and range ecosystems. The report is based on information gathered by the National Commision on Wildfire Disasters and is intended for policymakers at the…
Year: 1993
Type: Document