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The Southwest Fire Science Consortium is partnering with FRAMES to help fire managers access important fire science information related to the Southwest's top ten fire management issues.

Displaying 1 - 7 of 7

Calkin, Gebert
Years of successful fire suppression have led to high fuel loads on the nation's forests, and steps are being taken by the nation's land management agencies to reduce these fuel loads. However, to achieve desired outcomes in a fiscally responsible…
Year: 2006
Type: Document

Bidwell, Engle, Moseley, Masters
From the Introduction ... "A 1985 survey by the Soil Conservation Service indicated that eastern redcedar (Juniperus virginiana) and ashe juniper (I. ashei) had invaded almost 1.5 million acres in Oklahoma by 1950 and 3.5 million acres by 1985 (…
Year: 2002
Type: Document

From the text ... 'Fire managers used indirect attack and aerial ignition to reduce the risk to firefighters and the damage to resources in a wilderness area.'
Year: 2001
Type: Document

From the Introduction: 'The use of aerial ignition on prescribed fires has become a feasible and successful method for treating areas with different objectives. in the USDA Forest Service's Southwestern Region. This paper describes the planning…
Year: 1984
Type: Document

Wildland fires are a force of nature that can be nearly as impossible to prevent, and as difficult to control, as hurricanes, tornadoes, and floods. Wildland fire can be a friend and a foe. In the right place at the right time, wildland fire can…
Type: Website

FireDirect is mapping software that provides GIS capabilities for agencies fighting fires in the Wildland/Urban Interface. The software allows the users to collect structure and water source information on palm computers, view structure information…
Type: Tool