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The Southwest Fire Science Consortium is partnering with FRAMES to help fire managers access important fire science information related to the Southwest's top ten fire management issues.

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From the text ... 'A new definition of the wildland/ruban interface is needed, along with a commitment to protect and preserve all neighborhood and community at-risk values.'
Year: 2003
Type: Document

Lepofsky, Heyerdahl, Lertzman, Schaepe, Mierendorf
The recent encroachment of woody species threatening many western North American meadows has been attributed to diverse factors. We used a suite of methods in Chittenden Meadow, southwestern British Columbia, Canada, to identify the human,…
Year: 2003
Type: Document

While many wetlands form along floodplains of rivers, streams, lakes, and estuaries, others have developed in depressions far removed from such waters. Depressional wetlands completely surrounded by upland have traditionally been called 'isolated…
Year: 2003
Type: Document

Forest and agricultural burning release chemical compounds and particulate matter into the atmosphere. Although most of this material contributes to visibility reductions through haze and provides chemical constituents available for reactions with…
Year: 2003
Type: Document

Kaib, Whitney
Region 2 of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service encompasses the National Wildlife Refuges and Fish Hatcheries in Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, and Oklahoma. Fire has long played a historical and ecological role in this diverse region from the Sonoran…
Year: 2003
Type: Document

Black, Miller, Landres
Most land management agencies are locked into a reinforcing feedback cycle in which perceived risks lead to fire suppression, leading to increased risks and further fire suppression. Existing tools and approaches for planning fire and fuels…
Year: 2003
Type: Document

Until recently, the effects of wildfire on aquatic ecosystems in the southwestern USA have been given little attention. Wildfires in the early 90s and their impact on threatened and endangered fishes and their habitats increased concern for this…
Year: 2003
Type: Document

Fire-blocking gel, a new weapon in the war on wildfires, is being hailed by firefighters, property owners, scientists and government officials as one of the most important developments in fire fighting history. This new technology enables…
Year: 2003
Type: Document

Pinus hartwegii is found in 17 states in Mexico, from 3 000 to more than 4 000 m above sea level. It is typical of the highest portions of mountains and above 3 500 m forms pure open stands associated with grasses and some shrubs. Among the natural…
Year: 2003
Type: Document