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The Southwest Fire Science Consortium is partnering with FRAMES to help fire managers access important fire science information related to the Southwest's top ten fire management issues.

Displaying 4871 - 4876 of 4876

As part of a proposed USDA Forest Service national framework for regional atmospheric modeling, as described in companion proposals from fire/atmosphere research work units in the Southern, Pacific Southwest, Pacific Northwest, and Rocky Mountain…
Type: Project

Compared to historic conditions, many forests in the U.S. are now more dense and have more down fuels. For years, managers have recognized this problem and have acted to reduce stem density and fuels by thinning, burning, and/or fuel treatments. Yet…
Type: Project

Ottmar, Sandberg, Wright
Current fire danger and fire behavior prediction focuses on the flaming stage of combustion, while fire effects and resistance to control are governed by smoldering and residual combustion in heavy fuels and organic soil layers. Fuel combustion…
Type: Project

The Joint Fire Science Program (JFSP) was created by Congress in 1998 as an interagency research, development, and applications partnership between the U.S. Department of the Interior and the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Funding priorities and…
Type: Program

The data are from the 2000 Cerro Grande wildfire that burned into an area of the Santa Fe National Forest that had received extensive fuel treatments since 1994 that included mechanical thinning and prescribed burning, both in isolation and in…
Type: Data

Biome-BGC is a computer program that estimates fluxes and storage of energy, water, carbon, and nitrogen for the vegetation and soil components of terrestrial ecosystems. We call it a process model because its algorithms represent physical and…
Type: Tool