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The Southwest Fire Science Consortium is partnering with FRAMES to help fire managers access important fire science information related to the Southwest's top ten fire management issues.

Displaying 1 - 10 of 132

Lin, McCarty, Wang, Rogers, Morton, Collatz, Jin, Randerson
Fires in croplands, plantations, and rangelands contribute significantly to fire emissions in the United States, yet are often overshadowed by wildland fires in efforts to develop inventories or estimate responses to climate change. Here we…
Year: 2014
Type: Document

Lui, Cuddy, Hailes, Ruby
The purpose of this study was to determine changes in physiological markers of heat acclimatization across a 4-month wildland fire season. Wildland firefighters (WLFF) (n = 12) and non-WLFF (n = 14) were assessed pre- and post-season for body mass,…
Year: 2014
Type: Document

From the text ... 'Under the statute [Budget Control Act which Congress passed in 2011], when unpredictable events such as Hurricane Sandy are destructive enough to be declared disasters by the president, the Federal Emergency Management Agency is…
Year: 2014
Type: Document

Redmond, Golden, Cobb, Barger
Large tracts of land across the western United States have been managed over the last century in an effort to increase forage production, reduce the risk of wildland fires, and/or restore ecosystem structure and function. Yet documentation of this…
Year: 2014
Type: Document

From the text ... '... For 50 years official policy sought to stop people from using fire in traditional ways, for good or ill -- and to suppress any fires that did occur from any source. ....The second half of the story begins in 1962 when protests…
Year: 2014
Type: Document

From the text ... 'Over time, the belief in the intrinsic evil of free-burning flame also yielded to the realisation that the removal of fire, like that of the wolf, could unravel whole ecosystems. It seemed that the best strategy for restoring both…
Year: 2014
Type: Document

Ladwig, Collins, Ford, White
Land managers frequently use prescribed burning to help maintain grassland communities. Semiarid grassland dynamics following fire are linked to precipitation, with increasing soil moisture accelerating the rate of recovery. Prescribed fires are…
Year: 2014
Type: Document

Shive, Fulé, Sieg, Strom, Hunter
Climate change effects on forested ecosystems worldwide include increases in drought-related mortality, changes to disturbance regimes and shifts in species distributions. Such climate-induced changes will alter the outcomes of current management…
Year: 2014
Type: Document

This note extends the topic of the performance of ashing soil samples and then using spectral subtraction of diffuse reflectance Fourier transform mid-IR spectroscopy (DRIFTS) of original and ashed samples in highlighting the significance of the…
Year: 2014
Type: Document

Willey, van Riper
We studied a small isolated population of Mexican Spotted Owls (Strix occidentalis lucida) from 1996-1997 in the Rincon Mountains of Saguaro National Park, southeastern Arizona, USA. All mixed-conifer and pine-oak forest patches in the park were…
Year: 2014
Type: Document