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The Southwest Fire Science Consortium is partnering with FRAMES to help fire managers access important fire science information related to the Southwest's top ten fire management issues.

Displaying 1 - 5 of 5

Andrews, Queen
Fire modeling and information system technology play an important supporting role in fuel and fire management. Modeling is used to examine alternative fuel treatment options, project potential ecosystem changes, and assess risk to life and property…
Year: 2001
Type: Document

Fulé, McHugh, Heinlein, Covington
Potential fire behavior was compared under dry, windy weather conditions in 12 ponderosa pine stands treated with alternative thinning prescriptions in the wildland/urban interface of Flagstaff, Arizona. Prior to thinning, stands averaged 474 trees…
Year: 2001
Type: Document

Dennis, Miles
A consequence of past fire management practices in U. S. Forests is the excessive accumulation of fuel. In order to avoid severe and catastrophic fires, resource managers employ a number of treatments to diminish fuel loads. Alternative treatments…
Year: 2001
Type: Document

Patterns of disconnected fuel treatment patches that overlap in the heading fire spread direction are theoretically effective in changing forward fire spread rate. The analysis presented here sought to find the unit shape and pattern for a given…
Year: 2001
Type: Document

The appropriate level of fuel treatment following silvicultural activities depends on the fuel complex, fire occurrence rate, climate, topography, suppression capability, fire effects, values at risk, and treatment costs. Managers must account for…
Year: 1980
Type: Document