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People Year Title
Dodson, Peterson, Harrod 2008 Understory vegetation response to thinning and burning restoration treatments in dry conifer forests of the eastern Cascades, USA
Lyons, Gaines, Lehmkuhl, Harrod 2008 Short-term effects of fire and fire surrogate treatments on foraging tree selection by cavity-nesting birds in dry forests of central Washington
Phillips, Waldrop 2008 Changes in vegetation structure and composition in response to fuel reduction treatments in the South Carolina Piedmont
Amacher, Barrett, Moghaddas, Stephens 2008 Preliminary effects of fire and mechanical fuel treatments on the abundance of small mammals in the mixed-conifer forest of the Sierra Nevada
Iverson, Hutchinson, Prasad, Peters 2008 Thinning, fire, and oak regeneration across a heterogeneous landscape in the eastern U.S.: 7-year results
Moghaddas, York, Stephens 2008 Initial response of conifer and California black oak seedlings following fuel reduction activities in a Sierra Nevada mixed conifer forest
Moghaddas, Stephens 2008 Mechanized fuel treatment effects on soil compaction in Sierra Nevada mixed-conifer stands
Moghaddas, Stephens 2007 Thinning, burning, and thin-burn fuel treatment effects on soil properties in a Sierra Nevada mixed-conifer forest
Hartsough, Abrams, Barbour, Drews, McIver, Moghaddas, Schwilk, Stephens 2008 The economics of alternative fuel reduction treatments in western United States dry forests: financial and policy implications from the National Fire and Fire Surrogate Study
Coates, Boerner, Waldrop, Yaussy 2008 Soil nitrogen transformations under alternative management strategies in Appalachian forests
Boerner, Coates, Yaussy, Waldrop 2008 Assessing ecosystem restoration alternatives in eastern deciduous forests: the view from belowground
Goetz, Dugan 2006 Alternaria malorum: a mini-review with new records for hosts and pathogenicity
Joesting, McCarthy, Brown 2007 The photosynthetic response of American chestnut seedlings to differing light conditions
Yaussy, Waldrop 2009 Fire and Fire Surrogate study: annotated highlights from oak-dominated sites
Reetz, Farley, Contreras 2008 Evidence for Bachman's Sparrow raising Brown-headed Cowbirds to fledging
Harrod, Peterson, Povak, Dodson 2009 Thinning and prescribed fire effects on overstory tree and snag structure in dry coniferous forests of the interior Pacific Northwest
Schmidt, Taylor, Skinner 2008 The influence of fuels treatment and landscape arrangement on simulated fire behavior, southern Cascade range, California
McIver, Boerner, Hart 2008 The national fire and fire surrogate study: ecological consequences of alternative fuel reduction methods in seasonally dry forests
Boerner, Huang, Hart 2009 Impacts of Fire and Fire Surrogate treatments on forest soil properties: a meta-analytical approach
Youngblood, Grace, McIver 2009 Delayed conifer mortality after fuel reduction treatments: interactive effects of fuel, fire intensity, and bark beetles