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The Southwest Fire Science Consortium is partnering with FRAMES to help fire managers access important fire science information related to the Southwest's top ten fire management issues.

Displaying 1 - 10 of 34

We have all seen the news - hotter summers, and bigger, badder wildfires. What's going on? How did we get here? Paul tells a fast-paced story of western US forests - unintentionally yet massively changed by a century of management. He relates how…
Year: 2017
Type: Media

Why is calibrating the fire behavior models important to predicting fire behavior - an interview with Mark Finney a Research Scientist at the RMRS Fire Sciences Lab. Mark highlight's considerations an analyst should make when validating fire…
Year: 2017
Type: Media

Why use FSPro - an interview with Mark Finney - This tool was developed to help inform risk based decisions associated with values at risk and probability of fire impacts to those values.
Year: 2017
Type: Media

What makes a good analyst - some thoughts from Mark Finney and his perspective of what makes a good analyst. An analyst is curious about fire behavior, they use judgement and interpretation to communicate and validate models in relation to the…
Year: 2017
Type: Media

Mark Finney provides some considerations when setting up FSPro analyses - What is it you want to know from the analysis - is it the likely hood something is going to happen or is it the potential something is going to happen? These are different…
Year: 2017
Type: Media

From the Spring 2017 AFSC Remote Sensing Workshop: Opportunities to Apply Remote Sensing in Boreal/Arctic Wildfire Management and Science.
Year: 2017
Type: Media

The Aldo Leopold Wilderness Research Institute presents this short film about the critical importance of wilderness fire science to understanding the complex nature of forest fires, and to informing natural resource management across all landscapes.
Year: 2017
Type: Media

This video describes how and why fire behavior fuel models were developed, and introduces how they are used today. This video is part of the World of Wildland Fire video series.
Year: 2017
Type: Media

West, Legarza, Jolly, Emanuel, Knight
Join us in a discussion on how climatic changes can influence wildland fire activity across the globe and how these critical fire weather variables have changed over the last 40 years. These changes in key weather variables have combined to both…
Year: 2017
Type: Media

Martin, Smail
This webinar is co-hosted by LANDFIRE and members of the Joint Fire Science Program: Great Basin Fire Science Exchange, Southwest Fire Science Consortium, and the Northern Rockies Fire Science Network. Content will address challenges that managers…
Year: 2017
Type: Media