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The Southwest Fire Science Consortium is partnering with FRAMES to help fire managers access important fire science information related to the Southwest's top ten fire management issues.

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From the text ... 'The severe drought in 1982-1983 in south-east Asia caused wildfires in large areas of Borneo (Malingreau et al. 1985, Riswan & Yusuf 1986). In Sabah, Beaman et al. (1985) estimated that about 1 million ha of forest burned.…
Year: 1996
Type: Document

Approximately 30 Quercus (oak) species occur in the eastern United States, of which Q alba, Q rubra, Q velutina, Q coccinea, Q stellata and Q prinus are among the most dominant. Quercus distribution greatly increased at the beginning of the Holocene…
Year: 1996
Type: Document

The new Southwest is a product of the old. The region boasts an ideal formula for natural fires. Its dramatic terrain and well-defined wet-dry cycles, both annual and secular, have long established it as an epicenter for lightning fires. But the…
Year: 1996
Type: Document

Greene, Evenden
From the Conclusions...'Attempts to exclude fire from wildland ecosystems in the Intermountain and Pacific Northwest Regions have had serious ecological impacts on at least 79 of the established and proposed Research Natural Areas. Numerous…
Year: 1996
Type: Document

The Malpai Borderlands Group is a landowner-driven organization in southeastern Arizona and southwestern New Mexico. Focusing on the use of managed fire to control brush invasion, it works with state and federal agencies to practice ecosystem…
Year: 1996
Type: Document