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The Southwest Fire Science Consortium is partnering with FRAMES to help fire managers access important fire science information related to the Southwest's top ten fire management issues.

Displaying 1 - 7 of 7

Vegetation allometric relations were examined for 4 important grass species in southwestern ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa). Logarithmic regressions were developed relating aboveground biomass to basal area, height, and number of seedheads, as well…
Year: 1986
Type: Document

Agee, Huff
An increment borer is a precision instrument specially designed to extract a thin cylinder of wood from a tree, shrub, log or pole. It is available in a variety of sizes ranging in length from 4 inches to 40 inches. Although the increment borer is…
Year: 1986
Type: Document

Covington, Sackett
To determine the effects of different burning intervals on soil N status in substands of sapling-, pole-, and sawtimber-sized ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa Laws.) we sampled plots burned at 1-, 2-, and 4-yr intervals by three strata at two depths…
Year: 1986
Type: Document

Parsons, Graber, Agee, van Wagtendonk
An evolving understanding of ecological processes, together with ambiguities in National Park Service policy, have led to multiple interpretations of the role of management in our large natural area National Parks. National Park Service management…
Year: 1986
Type: Document

Parsons, Graber, Agee, van Wagtendonk
An evolving understanding of ecological processes, together with ambiguities in National Park Service policy, have led to multiple interpretations of the role of management in our large natural area National Parks. National Park Service management…
Year: 1986
Type: Document

The influence of climate on the population dynamics of trees must be inferred from indirect sources of information because the long lifespans of trees preclude direct observation of population growth and decline. Important insights about these…
Year: 1986
Type: Document

Disturbance shapes the characteristics of individuals, populations, communities and ecosystems. As evidence mounts that disturbance influences virtually all vegetation types and levels of ecological organization, its role as a selective agent and…
Year: 1986
Type: Document