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The Southwest Fire Science Consortium is partnering with FRAMES to help fire managers access important fire science information related to the Southwest's top ten fire management issues.

Displaying 1 - 10 of 84

Power, Codding, Taylor, Swetnam, Magargal, Bird, O'Connell
The primacy of past human activity in triggering change in earth’s ecosystems remains a contested idea. Treating human-environmental dynamics as a dichotomous phenomenon – turning “on” or “off” at some tipping point in the past – misses the broader…
Year: 2018
Type: Document

Malevich, Guiterman, Margolis
We developed a new software package, burnr, for fire history analysis and plotting in the R statistical programming environment. It was developed for tree-ring fire-scar analysis, but is broadly applicable to other event analyses (e.g., avalanches,…
Year: 2018
Type: Document

Jolly, Bradshaw, Freeborn
Year: 2018
Type: Media

Wei, Larsen
Boreal forest fire history is typically reconstructed using tree-ring based time since last fire (TSLF) frequency distributions from across the landscape. We employed stochastic landscape fire simulations to assess how large a study area and how…
Year: 2018
Type: Document

Schoennagel, Godwin, Miller
The combination of frequent droughts, changing climate conditions, and longer fire seasons along with urban development expansion into wildland areas has resulted in more difficult conditions for managing wildfires. Wildfires are causing more…
Year: 2018
Type: Media

Fire is special. Even among the ancient elements, fire is different because it alone is a reaction. It synthesizes its surroundings; it takes its character from its context. It varies by place, by culture, and by time. It has no single expression.…
Year: 2018
Type: Document

Hawthorne, Mitchell
In recent years a number of studies have suggested that trends in wildfire can be seen at a regional, national and global scale, and can be explained by interactions with factors such as anthropogenic activity and climate. As future susceptibility…
Year: 2018
Type: Document

Koltz, Burkle, Pressler, Dell, Vidal, Richards, Murphy
Climate change is drastically altering global fire regimes, which may affect the structure and function of insect communities. Insect responses to fire are strongly tied to fire history, plant responses, and changes in species interactions. Many…
Year: 2018
Type: Document

Leys, Marlon, Umbanhower, Vannière
Grasslands are globally extensive; they exist in many different climates, at high and low elevations, on nutrient‐rich and nutrient‐poor soils. Grassland distributions today are closely linked to human activities, herbivores, and fire, but many have…
Year: 2018
Type: Document