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The Alaska Reference Database originated as the standalone Alaska Fire Effects Reference Database, a ProCite reference database maintained by former BLM-Alaska Fire Service Fire Ecologist Randi Jandt. It was expanded under a Joint Fire Science Program grant for the FIREHouse project (The Northwest and Alaska Fire Research Clearinghouse). It is now maintained by the Alaska Fire Science Consortium and FRAMES, and is hosted through the FRAMES Resource Catalog. The database provides a listing of fire research publications relevant to Alaska and a venue for sharing unpublished agency reports and works in progress that are not normally found in the published literature.

Displaying 5526 - 5550 of 14919

From the text...'The number of wildland fires in Canada has been increasing steadily since 1960 and the area burned appears to have tripled since 1980. There are many possible reasons for the apparent trend. A workshop of Canadian fire experts was convened to 'understand the…
Year: 1997
Type: Document
Source: TTRS

From the text...'Substance must be given to policies that state that fire suppression costs should be proportional to values at risk and that fire should assume a more natural role in manging the landscape. A workshop of Canadian fire experts was convened by the Candian Forest…
Year: 1997
Type: Document
Source: TTRS

From the text...'In conclusion, El Niño and La Niña are extreme phases of a naturally occurring climatic cycle known as the El Niño Southern Oscillation. Both affect wind and sea surface temperature patterns in the tropical Pacific Ocean. El Niño is the warm water and La Niña…
Year: 1999
Type: Document
Source: TTRS

Reinhardt, Keane, Brown
From the text...'FOFEM 4.0-A First Order Fire Effects Model-is a computer program developed to meet the needs of resource managers, planners, and analysts in predicting and planning for fire effects. Quantitative predictions of fire effects are needed for planning prescribed…
Year: 1998
Type: Document
Source: TTRS

From the text...'Our program is built on cost-effectiveness and safety. Yet, despite larger protection budgets, bigger and better tools, and sophisticated fire-danger prediction systems, wildfire losses are higher now than at any time in the past half century. Despite personal…
Year: 1998
Type: Document
Source: TTRS

From the text...'Some fire organizations want large increases in funding to deal with wildland-urban interface fires. With public temperament intent upon government budget and staff reductions at all levels, acquiring bigger budgets to deal with the problem is unlikely. A new…
Year: 1998
Type: Document
Source: TTRS

Williamson, Agee
Poster abstract...Riparian vegetation is often assumed to be less flammable than upland vegetation in evaluations of fire hazard in the eastern Cascades and Blue Mountains. However, the complex multi-layered structure and high proportion of fire-sensitive species within riparian…
Year: 1998
Type: Document
Source: TTRS

Reinhardt, Hardy
Poster abstract...A First Order Fire Effects Model (FOFEM) was developed to predict the direct consequences of prescribed fire and wildfire. FOFEM was designed for application to most areas of the United States. First order fire effects are the immediate or direct results of a…
Year: 1998
Type: Document
Source: TTRS

Hardy, Smith
The Fire Effects Information System (FEIS) is a computerized encyclopedia that summarizes the general ecology and effects of fire on more than 1,000 plant and animal species and plant communities. These 'summaries' synthesize current information in an easy-to-use format and…
Year: 1998
Type: Document
Source: TTRS

Parker, Kessler
Abstract only...'We have conducted a three-year investigation of the habitat relationships of forest birds and mammals that inhabit the Sub-boreal Spruce Plateau (SBSmk1) of central British Columbia. Our study was designed to test assumptions and practices of British Columbia's…
Year: 1998
Type: Document
Source: TTRS

Abstract only...'The relatively low population density in Canada's boreal and sub-boreal forest, as well as predominantly public ownership of these lands, provide excellent potential for the application of ecosystem-based management. Such management requires understanding of the…
Year: 1998
Type: Document
Source: TTRS

From the text...'Two important factors that must be consideration when implementing prescribed fire programs for habitat manipulation are scale and fire severity. The scale influences the likelihood of use by wildlife because of its influence on the cover characteristics of the…
Year: 1998
Type: Document
Source: TTRS

Morgan, Bunting
From the text...'Changing fire regimes have important implications for the health and function of ecosystems. Forest ecosystems change when fires are less frequent and more severe. The density of trees increases and fuels accumulate. More shade-tolerant, less disease-resistant…
Year: 1998
Type: Document
Source: TTRS

Abstract only:..'In the middle of July, 1997, I had the opportunity to present my views on 'Wildfire Management' to the House Agriculture Committee. On my return to Missoula one of my graduate students came running into my office waving a set of new fire management definitions…
Year: 1998
Type: Document
Source: TTRS

The National Weather Service Fire Weather Program provides weather forecasting and meteorological support services to state and federal wildland fire management agencies. An Intergovernmental Fire Weather User's Summit, sponsored by the National Weather Service (NWS) and the…
Year: 1994
Type: Document
Source: TTRS

Created through the Wildfire Disaster Recovery Act of 1989 (PL 101-286), in response to the destructive western fire season of 1987 and the Yellowstone fires of 1988, the Commission was asked to consider the environmental and economic effects of disastrous wildfires through…
Year: 1994
Type: Document
Source: TTRS

Kourtz, Todd
Lightning causes one third of the 9000 wildfires that occur in Canada. Annually, these lightning-caused fires account for 90% of the area burned and cost Canadians at least 150 million dollars in suppression costs and values destroyed. Unlike the fires caused by human negligence…
Year: 1991
Type: Document
Source: TTRS

Moser, Smol, Lean, MacDonald
Physical and chemical variables were measured in 35 lakes from Wood Buffalo National Park, northern Alberta and the Northwest Territories, Canada. Of these lakes, 22 were sinkholes, situated on limestone and gypsum, five were situated on the Canadian Shield and eight were…
Year: 1998
Type: Document
Source: TTRS

From the text...'Independent observers who know the status of the park today say that the rosy picture presented by the National Park Service and by ecologists quoted in this article is not accurate.'
Year: 1998
Type: Document
Source: TTRS

Reyes, Casal
Many studies have found that ash beds favour seedling growth, but the effect of ash on the germinative behavious of tree species has received little attention. We therefore designed an experiment in which Pinus pinaster, P. radiata and Eucalyptus globulus seeds underwent four…
Year: 1998
Type: Document
Source: TTRS

Studies of anticipated effects of global warming tend to concentrate on the physiological limits of individual organisms, and imputed modifications to biome distributions expresed as climax ecosystems. Changes in distributions of individual species and of tree species…
Year: 1993
Type: Document
Source: TTRS

Anderson, Romme, Meyer, Knight, Wallace
From the text...'Bill Wattenburg (Letters, Science's Compass, 6 Nov., p. 1051) accuses the U.S. National Park Service and ecologists quoted by Richard Stone (Research News, 5 June, p. 1527) of struggling 'to rationalize the official burning of the forests of Yellowstone in l988…
Year: 1999
Type: Document
Source: TTRS

Liski, Ilvesniemi, Makela, Starr
Potential causes for changes in the amounts of carbon (C) stored in the soils of boreal forests were studied by measuring the C in the soil along a 5000-year chronosequence in coastal western Finland and using a simple dynamic model of decomposition. The amount of soil C…
Year: 1998
Type: Document
Source: TTRS

Stock, Williams, Cleaves
Prescribed burning expenditures are based on the fire manager's judgment about the 'risk' of the fire escaping and his/her anticipation of the consequences of such an escape. In a high-risk site, more resources are needed to prepare the site for a safe burn. Ifa fire escapes, or…
Year: 1996
Type: Document
Source: TTRS

Flannigan, Bergeron
The objective of this study is to determine the factors responsible for the distribution of Pinus resinosa (red pine) at its northern limit in northwestern Quebec. Pinus resinosa is found only on islands and protected lake shores at its northern distribution boundary. The…
Year: 1998
Type: Document
Source: TTRS