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The Southwest Fire Science Consortium is partnering with FRAMES to help fire managers access important fire science information related to the Southwest's top ten fire management issues.

Displaying 1 - 10 of 38

McFadzen, Hejl
Abstract only...'Practices of wildfire suppression and salvage logging of burned forests have prompted concern among biologists for fire-associated bird species in the northern Rocky Mountains. Therefore, in May 1997, we initiated a five-year study…
Year: 1998
Type: Document

From the text...'Bartos and Campbell (1998) have identified five risk factors to help resource managers prioritize critical areas in need of treatment. If any of these factors exist, it is incumbent on the manager to consider treatment -…
Year: 1998
Type: Document

[no description entered]
Year: 1998
Type: Document

Sole, Keyser
From the text ... 'The following information described what is considered to be the single biggest problem facing bobwhite quail and other grassland birds throughout a major portion of their range. This is an area encompassing from southern Maryland…
Year: 1998
Type: Document

[no description entered]
Year: 1998
Type: Document

Thompson, Flannigan, Wotton, Suffling
The predicted increase in climate warming will have profound impacts on forest ecosystems and landscapes in Canada because of increased temperature, and altered disturbance regimes. Climate change is predicted to be variable within Canada, and to…
Year: 1998
Type: Document

From the text...'The need to understand both the role of wildland fire as an ecosystem process and the appropriate use of fire as a management tool has been recognized for years. Historically fire has played an important role in many ecosystems by…
Year: 1998
Type: Document

Haney, Lee, Walsh-McGehee
We compiled and analyzed 101 accessible reports of 194 individual Kirtland's Warblers (Dendroica kirtlandii) from the Bahama Archipelago, 1841-1997. Most individuals were reported from northern islands (88%), and most sight reports (84%) and…
Year: 1998
Type: Document

Engelmark, Hofgaard, Arnborg
We present results from repeated analyses (1962, 1993) of a permanent plot established in 1947, combined with retrospective stand age structure data, in an old Pinus sylvestris stand in Muddus National Park, northern Sweden. The study points towards…
Year: 1998
Type: Document

Williamson, Agee
Poster abstract...Riparian vegetation is often assumed to be less flammable than upland vegetation in evaluations of fire hazard in the eastern Cascades and Blue Mountains. However, the complex multi-layered structure and high proportion of fire-…
Year: 1998
Type: Document