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The Southwest Fire Science Consortium is partnering with FRAMES to help fire managers access important fire science information related to the Southwest's top ten fire management issues.

Displaying 1 - 10 of 145

Orange, Davis, Elmore, Fuhlendorf
Communal brooding, which can occur as a result of brood amalgamation or communal parental care, is a common alternative brooding strategy observed in many precocial bird species. Although the occurrence of long-term communal brooding has been…
Year: 2016
Type: Document

Olsen, Fedynich
The Northern Bobwhite (Colinus virginianus) has declined across its range. The primary cause of this decline is thought to be habitat loss and fragmentation. However, there is speculation that factors such as parasites may play a role. South Texas…
Year: 2016
Type: Document

O'donnell, Thompson, Semlitsch
Prescribed fire has become a commonly used forest management tool for reducing the occurrence of severe wildfires, decreasing fuel loads and reestablishing the historic ecological influences of fire. Investigating population-level wildlife responses…
Year: 2016
Type: Document

Margolis, Malevich
Anthropogenic alteration of ecosystem processes confounds forest management and conservation of rare, declining species. Restoration of forest structure and fire hazard reduction are central goals of forest management policy in the western United…
Year: 2016
Type: Document

Lebrun, Thogmartin, Thompson, Dijak, Millspaugh
Climate projections for the Midwestern United States predict southerly climates to shift northward. These shifts in climate could alter distributions of species across North America through changes in climate (i.e., temperature and precipitation),…
Year: 2016
Type: Document

Haig, Miller, Bellinger, Draheim, Mercer, Mullins
The field of conservation genetics, when properly implemented, is a constant juggling act integrating molecular genetics, ecology, and demography with applied aspects concerning managing declining species or implementing conservation laws and…
Year: 2016
Type: Document

Dunham, Bruno, Almas, Rollins, Fedynich, Presley, Kendall
The Northern Bobwhite (Colinus virginianus) has been steadily declining throughout much of its historic range for decades. The Rolling Plains ecoregion of Texas and western Oklahoma, historically rich with wild Northern Bobwhites and one of the last…
Year: 2016
Type: Document

Davis, Churchwell, Fuhlendorf, Engle, Hovick
1. Grasslands world-wide provide a host of ecosystem services. In particular, these grasslands serve as biodiversity repositories for a myriad of imperilled animal species. One such group is grassland birds, which have experienced significant…
Year: 2016
Type: Document

Bruegger, Varelas, Howery, Torell, Stephenson, Bailey
Managing the risk of wildfires is a growing concern in the western United States. Targeted grazing, or managing livestock grazing to achieve specific vegetation goals, is one possible tool to treat fuels, but few studies have evaluated its efficacy…
Year: 2016
Type: Document

Limb, Fuhlendorf, Engle, Miller
Rangelands are fire-dependent ecosystems severely altered through direct fire suppression and fuels management. The removal of fire is a dominant cause of ecological sites moving across thresholds with the majority of North American rangelands…
Year: 2016
Type: Document