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The Southwest Fire Science Consortium is partnering with FRAMES to help fire managers access important fire science information related to the Southwest's top ten fire management issues.

Displaying 211 - 218 of 218

Ivan Pupulidy will present a webinar on January 10, 1 PM MST on the roles individuals, leaders and organizations have in improving performance. Historically human performance has been seen as a simply looking at how the individual workers behave.…
Year: 2012
Type: Media

Ric Carlson describes how he develops the prescription window and uses a process of constant evaluation and updating that helps him avoid the traps always inherent with boundary selection.
Year: 2011
Type: Media

This is a 9-minute video regarding watchouts and suggestions for operating vehicles in the black.
Year: 2011
Type: Media

Webinar recording of a presentation by Patrick McCarthy on the work of the Southwest Climate Change Initiative (SWCCI), which is working to provide information and tools for managing landscapes and watersheds in light of a changing climate, assess…
Year: 2011
Type: Media

Climate change is no longer a threat; it's a reality. A rapidly changing climate is already transforming ecosystems and the processes that sustain them; greater changes lie in front of us. Climate change will change physical relationships (e.g. the…
Year: 2011
Type: Media

Home survival in wildfire prone areas depends on a combination of adequate vegetation management in the area surrounding your home (i.e., your 'defensible space') and choices regarding building materials and design decisions for the home or building…
Year: 2011
Type: Media

This webinar was the second in a future forests webinar series addressing post-outbreak fire risk and behavior on October 18, 2011. The event was co-sponsored by the USDA Forest Service Rocky Mountain Research Station and the Southern Rockies Fire…
Year: 2011
Type: Media

Considerable evidence exists that climate impacts wildfires and that climate change will continue to provide challenges for fire management. For fire managers, a key step in meeting those challenges is to identify ways to utilize climate information…
Year: 2011
Type: Media