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The Southwest Fire Science Consortium is partnering with FRAMES to help fire managers access important fire science information related to the Southwest's top ten fire management issues.

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The Santa Clara Canyon in northern New Mexico suffered near total scorching during the Las Conchas Wildfire, a burn which drastically changed the environment and sediment stability of the canyon. After the fire, a 1% chance rain event exhibited a…
Year: 2024
Type: Media

The SCIENCEx webinar series brings together scientists and land management experts from across U.S. Forest Service research stations and beyond to explore the latest science and best practices for addressing large natural resource challenges across…
Year: 2023
Type: Media

Catastrophic wildfires in the western United States pose significant risks to public health, infrastructure, and ecosystems. As these wildfires become more frequent, there is a growing need for a common methodology to identify suitable locations for…
Year: 2023
Type: Media

Jain, Hood, McKinney, Ott, Urza
Maximizing the effectiveness of fuel treatments at the landscape scale is a key research and management need given the inability to treat all areas at risk from wildfire, and there is a growing body of scientific literature assessing this need.…
Year: 2023
Type: Media

Allen, Lowry, Adetona, Holder, Rosario-Ortiz, Turpin
Join project staff and members of the committee for a public release webinar about the new report, The Chemistry of Fires at the Wildland-Urban Interface on Tuesday, September 20th from 3:00PM to 4:00PM EDT. The committee will share information…
Year: 2022
Type: Media

A special session by the Fuels Community of Practice.
Year: 2022
Type: Media

Hedayati, Gorham
IBHS test chamber is a unique facility to study the effects of wind on fire. The test chamber area is equal to four basketball courts which allows researchers to perform large scale wind and fire tests. The test chamber is equipped with 105 fans…
Year: 2022
Type: Media

Destructive wildfires are now a real threat in regions across the country and beyond what was once considered as the fire season, examples of which are the 2016 Gatlinburg Fire in the Southeast and the 2021 Marshall Fire in late December. Existing…
Year: 2022
Type: Media

Over the past decade, government policies and programs to incentivize “all-lands approaches” to reducing wildfire risk have emerged that call for collective action among diverse public, private, and Tribal landowners who share fire-prone landscapes…
Year: 2022
Type: Media

McGowan-Stinski, Charney, Kobziar, Wickman, Pitrolo
This is the 3rd panel discussion in Season 2 of the Fueling Collaboration series. Moderator Jack McGowan-Stinski (Lake States Fire Science Consortium) discusses all things smoke. What is it? What are the messages we should be communicating? What are…
Year: 2022
Type: Media