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The Southwest Fire Science Consortium is partnering with FRAMES to help fire managers access important fire science information related to the Southwest's top ten fire management issues.

Displaying 1 - 10 of 10

From the Introduction ... 'To help address the many challenges created by the 2000 fire season, leadership in the Northern (Region One) and Intermountain (Region Four) Regions combined their efforts through a post-fire strategy. This strategy seeks…
Year: 2001
Type: Document

Thonicke, Venevsky, Sitch, Cramer
Disturbances from fire, wind-throw, insects and other herbivores are, besides climate, CO2, and soils, critical factors for composition, structure and dynamics of most vegetation. To simulate the influence of fire on the dynamic equilibrium, as well…
Year: 2001
Type: Document

From the text... 'In the wake of a disastrous fire season, American Forests pushes for more trees and a community-based approach to healthy ecosystems...Federal response to wildfire must integrate wilfire issue with broader goals to restore and…
Year: 2001
Type: Document

Asher, Dewey, Johnson, Olivarez
Wildland fire is a natural process that often helps to maintain or improve the health and productivity of native plant communities. However, when invasive exotic plants (hereafter, weeds) are involved, fires burn in an unnatural situation. There are…
Year: 2001
Type: Document

From the text ... 'In May 2000, the Forest Service released a proposal to protect roadless areas on the national forests and grasslands from degradation through future roadbuilding. The Roadless Area Conservation Draft Environmental Impact Statement…
Year: 2001
Type: Document

From the text ... 'We can postpone the inevitible blazes, but-as the 2000 fire season showed-not indefinitely...' ... 'The relative severity of the 2000 fire season mobilized public opinion behind a large-scale program to reduce the fire hazard in…
Year: 2001
Type: Document

From the text... 'The press and politicians called fire season 2000 'a natural disaster.' The fires were natural, but the 'disaster' was how much the United States spent to fight them.'
Year: 2001
Type: Document

From the text ... 'Severe fire seasons and evolving insights into land and resource management have generated a series of recent initiatives for wildland fire management. ... The 2001 Federal Fire Policy calls for using 'the full range of fire…
Year: 2001
Type: Document

Ferguson, Peterson, Acheson
Smoke management is becoming increasingly complex as the use of fire to preserve or maintain forest health and reduce hazardous fuels is increasing and as smoke from forest and rangeland burning is combining with smoke from traditional agricultural…
Year: 2001
Type: Document

Objectives: Bring together key decision makers, information providers, researchers, and managers concerned about climate implications for management of forest fire hazards and prescribed burning. Evaluate the 2000 fire season in the context of…
Year: 2001
Type: Project