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The Southwest Fire Science Consortium is partnering with FRAMES to help fire managers access important fire science information related to the Southwest's top ten fire management issues.

Displaying 1 - 10 of 120

An overview of the International Crown Fire Modeling Experiments in Canada's Northwest Territories.
Year: 1997
Type: Media

Berry, Buckley, McGarigal
The ARC/INFO system is a powerful GIS that is widely used by natural resource organizations. FRAGSTATS is an extensively used program that derives a comprehensive set of useful landscape metrics. The Forest Vegetation Simulator (FVS) is a forest…
Year: 1997
Type: Document

Kramp, Ansley, Tunnell
From the text ... 'The objective of this study was to quantify growth and survival of honey mesquite seedlings in two recently burned grass stands of contrasting growth potential: (1) native perennial mid-short grass (Texas wintergrass, Arizona…
Year: 1997
Type: Document

Johnston, Elliott
The Boreal Mixedwood Ecosystem Study near Thunder Bay, Ontario is a multi-disciplinary investigation of the impacts of harvesting and fire on the structure and function of a boreal mixed-wood ecosystem. The fire component comprises a set of…
Year: 1997
Type: Document

Damhoureyeh, Hartnett
Forb populations were sampled on Kansas tallgrass prairie to exaniinc the effects of native (bison) and domestic (cattle) ungulates on plant growth, reproduction, and species abundances. Five locally and regionally abundant native tallgrass prairie…
Year: 1997
Type: Document

Prescribed burning costs are extemely variable, even if conditions are similar. This variability complicates planning and evaluation of prescribed burning programs and budgets, resulting in imprecise projecions of their economic benefits. Evaluating…
Year: 1997
Type: Document

Sheppard, Farnsworth
Fire has been a global disturbance agent for thousands of years. As an ecological process that helped shape the floral and faunal communities of western North America, fire also maintained the health and diversity of forest until European settlers…
Year: 1997
Type: Document

Harrod, Knecht, Kuhlmann, Ellis, Davenport
From the text... "Conclusions: Our preliminary results regarding O. pinorum and S. seelyi response to fire are inadequate to provide management recommendation. However, the result of this study indicate that C. fasciculatum is a fire-intolerant…
Year: 1997
Type: Document

Roller, Halvorson
Pirna pineapple cactus (Coryphantha scheeri Kuntze var. robustispina Schott) (PPC) is listed as endangered by the US Fish and Wildlife Service. This unique taxon occurs in two valleys south of Tucson, Arizona and the northern edge of Sonora, Mexico…
Year: 1997
Type: Document

A probabilistic model is offered for tracing the fate of vegetation communities in fire-prone lands that are subjected to regular fuel reduction burning. The model is based on the semi-Markov process (an extension of Markov chain modelling). The…
Year: 1997
Type: Document