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The Southwest Fire Science Consortium is partnering with FRAMES to help fire managers access important fire science information related to the Southwest's top ten fire management issues.

Displaying 1 - 10 of 15

Sellers, Despain
From the text ... 'Over 1,900,000 acres (770,000 ha) of Yellowstone Park are managed as wilderness. The administrative policy for the management of natural areas of the National Park system such as Yellowstone clearly stated in 1970 The presence or…
Year: 1976
Type: Document

From the Summary ... 'As fire management is integrated into land management, the decisions made will determine how, when, and where fire will be used or suppressed.The most pronounced changes in the direction in which fire management is moving are…
Year: 1976
Type: Document

From the text... 'Although the National Park Service has been largely successful in operating park lands for the enjoyment of the public. preservation attempts have oftentimes impaired these natural areas by bringing about unplanned and undesired…
Year: 1976
Type: Document

[no description entered]
Year: 1976
Type: Document

At the request of the World Meteorological Organization, a hierarchical system for rating forest fire danger was developed. The system uses generally available meteorological measurements to evaluate the flammability of wildland fuels anywhere in…
Year: 1976
Type: Document

In summary, there are some individuals who see prescribed fire, especially wilderness fires, as a threat to the fire prevention program. Others are equally frustrated because they feel the simplistic message of Smokey is in opposition to, or makes…
Year: 1976
Type: Document

[no description entered]
Year: 1976
Type: Document

There are five principle categories of fire management planning which have meteorological needs; many of them common. Meteorological data is essential to execution of fire plans. The data, historical and forecasted, is an integral part of each fire…
Year: 1976
Type: Document

[no description entered]
Year: 1976
Type: Document

King, Furman
Conventional statistical techniques are used to answer the question, "What is the necessary station density for a fire danger network?" The Burning Index of the National Fire-Danger Rating System is used as an indicator of fire danger. Results are…
Year: 1976
Type: Document