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The Southwest Fire Science Consortium is partnering with FRAMES to help fire managers access important fire science information related to the Southwest's top ten fire management issues.

Displaying 1 - 10 of 11

Holocene fossil pollen data of fine temporal and spatial resolution were obtained from two small, closed lake basins in southern Ontario, Canada. Forest development is recorded in the pollen sequences, which document the invasion and expansion of…
Year: 1997
Type: Document

Schwarz, Wein
Dry grasslands in Wood Buffalo National Park are unique biological features at 60º N latitude, since they contain plant species normally found in more southern grasslands at 50-55º N latitude. The objectives of this study were to inventory dry…
Year: 1997
Type: Document

Sheppard, Farnsworth
Fire has been a global disturbance agent for thousands of years. As an ecological process that helped shape the floral and faunal communities of western North America, fire also maintained the health and diversity of forest until European settlers…
Year: 1997
Type: Document

Stuever, Crawford, Molles, White, Muldavin
The "bosque” of the Middle Rio Grande is one of the last extensive cottonwood gallery forests in the American Southwest, and yet the future role of cottonwood in these stands is increasingly threatened. Human intervention has progressively changed…
Year: 1997
Type: Document

From the conclusion... 'Cacti and many leaf succulents are not specifically adapted to fire. There is no stimulation by fire of reproduction or vegetative growth, rather, there is a resistance to fire stemming from a preadaptation to a hot and harsh…
Year: 1997
Type: Document

Popovich, Pyke
Picabo milkvetch Astragalus oniciformis Barneby is endemic to the sagebrush-steppe of three southern Idaho counties that are susceptible to wildfire. Rehabilitation after wildfire commonly includes seeding with competitive introduced perennial…
Year: 1997
Type: Document

Post-fire rehabilitation efforts following a central Idaho wildfire included aerial seeding four exotic grass species at a rate of 6.2kgha-1. Smooth brome, intermediate wheatgrass, timothy, and orchard-grass constituted the seed mix. Paired seeded…
Year: 1997
Type: Document

Schwartz, Hermann
In this chapter we review the philosophy and use of prescribed fire in the fragmented landscape of the Midwest. Forty years ago most resource management agencies viewed fire as a destructive force to be suppressed at all costs (reviewed by Pyne 1982…
Year: 1997
Type: Document

Bergeron, Leduc, Li
To evaluate the respective contributions of habitat, fire regime and colonization-extinction procsses to the distribution of northern Pinus species, we investigated the distribution of P. banksiana (jack pine), P. resinosa (red pine) and P. strobus…
Year: 1997
Type: Document

Shilling, Bewick, Gaffney, McDonald, Chase, Johnson
From the Conclusions and Recommendations...'Discing stands of cogongrass was not effective for cogongrass control. Shallow tillage only fragmented rhizomes, causing only short-term growth reduction and subsequent strong shoot growth. A combination…
Year: 1997
Type: Document