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The Southwest Fire Science Consortium is partnering with FRAMES to help fire managers access important fire science information related to the Southwest's top ten fire management issues.

Displaying 1 - 10 of 58

Neary, Zieroth
In an innovative effort, the USDA Forest Service is planning to reduce the long-term threat of catastrophic wildfires by inaugurating a series of forest thinnings for bioenergy. The start-up project is in the Nutrioso area of the Alpine Ranger…
Year: 2007
Type: Document

Mason, Baker, Cram, Boren, Fernald, VanLeeuwen
The ability of mechanical fuel reduction treatments to mitigate severe fire behavior in dry mixed conifer forests is of interest to land managers as well as the public. We compared fuel loads and indices of crown fire potential to test treatment…
Year: 2007
Type: Document

Cram, Baker, Fernald, Madrid, Rummer
Increasing densities of small diameter trees have changed ecological processes and negatively impacted conservation of soil and water resources in western forests. Thinning treatments are commonplace to reduce stein density and potential fire hazard…
Year: 2007
Type: Document

Abella, Covington, Fulé, Lentile, Sánchez Meador, Morgan
Old growth in the frequent-fire conifer forests of the western United States, such as those containing ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa), Jeffrey pine (P. jeffreyi), giant sequoia (Sequioa giganteum) and other species, has undergone major changes…
Year: 2007
Type: Document

Rideout-Hanzak, Bowker, Lim, Cordell, Green, Johnson, Betz
Much of the public's attitude toward wildland fire as an important part of natural processes has been misguided, sometimes through programs perpetuating fear and misunderstanding of the vital role of fire in wildlands. Results presented here were…
Year: 2007
Type: Document

Freeman, Stohlgren, Hunter, Omi, Martinson, Chong, Browns
Fire is a natural part of most forest ecosystems in the western United States, but its effects on nonnative plant invasion have only recently been studied. Also, forest managers are engaging in fuel reduction projects to lessen fire severity, often…
Year: 2007
Type: Document

Barbour, Fight
The financial analysis component of the fuel synthesis project was guided by the general specifications of the broader project. The project was requested on behalf of specific users (fuel treatment planners), to address specific questions (how to…
Year: 2007
Type: Document

Peterson, Johnson
From the text ... 'The focus of fuel treatment is typically on reducing hazardous surface fuel and drown-fire hazard. The effects of fuel treatment on vegetation, wildlife, aquatic resources, and economic values also need to be considered. ...The…
Year: 2007
Type: Document

From the text ... 'This new software application can serve as a decision support aid in a wide variety of fire management activities -- ranging from near real-time prediction of fire behavior to analyzing the impacts of fuel treatments on potential…
Year: 2007
Type: Document

Keane, Rollins, Zhu
Canopy and surface fuels in many fire-prone forests of the United States have increased over the last 70 years as a result of modern fire exclusion policies, grazing, and other land management activities. The Healthy Forest Restoration Act and…
Year: 2007
Type: Document