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The Southwest Fire Science Consortium is partnering with FRAMES to help fire managers access important fire science information related to the Southwest's top ten fire management issues.

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A probabilistic model is offered for tracing the fate of vegetation communities in fire-prone lands that are subjected to regular fuel reduction burning. The model is based on the semi-Markov process (an extension of Markov chain modelling). The…
Year: 1997
Type: Document

Schuster, Cleaves, Bell
Forest Service expenditures for fire presuppression and suppression activities increased from $61 million in FY 1970 to $951 million in FY 1994. Yet, real (net of inflation) expenditures have not increased significantly since FY 1970, if FY 1994…
Year: 1997
Type: Document

Rieman, Clayton
Issues related to forest health and the threat of larger, more destructive wildfires have led to major new initiatives to restructure and recompose forest communities in the western United States. Proposed solutions will depend, in part, on…
Year: 1997
Type: Document

Albini, Reinhardt
Calibration and testing of a computer simulation of the burning of large woody natural fuels has been presented previously in this journal. This note describes an improved calibration of the model for better prediction of fuel loading reductions.…
Year: 1997
Type: Document