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The Southwest Fire Science Consortium is partnering with FRAMES to help fire managers access important fire science information related to the Southwest's top ten fire management issues.

Displaying 1 - 10 of 35

Colavito, vonHedemann, Edgeley
The greater Flagstaff area in northern Arizona has experienced multiple wildfires in recent years that have resulted in post-wildfire flooding. These events galvanized collaborative efforts to reduce hazardous fuels on steep slopes and implement…
Year: 2023
Type: Media

[Executive Summary] The Wildland Fire Leadership Council (WFLC) presents this Addendum Update, to spotlight wildland fire critical emphasis areas and challenges that were not identified or addressed in depth in the 2014 National Cohesive Wildland…
Year: 2023
Type: Document

Jain, Hood, McKinney, Ott, Urza
Maximizing the effectiveness of fuel treatments at the landscape scale is a key research and management need given the inability to treat all areas at risk from wildfire, and there is a growing body of scientific literature assessing this need.…
Year: 2023
Type: Media

To collect partner and employee input on the Wildfire Crisis Strategy 10-year Implementation Plan, the Forest Service and National Forest Foundation hosted a series of roundtable discussions in the winter and spring of 2022. Individual roundtables…
Year: 2022
Type: Document

Thomas, Escobedo, Sloggy, Sanchez
Larger and more severe wildfires are becoming more frequent and impacting different communities and human settlements. Much of the scientific literature and media on wildfires has focused on area of ecosystems burned and numbers of structures…
Year: 2022
Type: Document

Palsa, Bauer, Evers, Hamilton, Nielsen-Pincus
Since their introduction two decades ago, Community Wildfire Protection Plans (CWPPs) have become a common planning tool for improving community preparedness and risk mitigation in fire-prone regions, and for strengthening coordination among federal…
Year: 2022
Type: Document

Brown, Saul
Isaac Saul of A Plus interviews Sara Brown, director of the USFS Fire Lab’s Fire, Fuels, and Smoke Sciences Program. Sara Brown explains how to stop wildfires from being major disaster events in the United States. The interview provides an overview…
Year: 2020
Type: Media

Stotts, Lahm, Standish
Fire managers use prescribed fire and some wildfires to meet resource management objectives, like restoring and maintaining ecological processes, watershed function, and wildlife habitat, as well as to reduce fuels and mitigate the risk of severe…
Year: 2018
Type: Document

This video is an introduction on how to manage wildland fuels. The objectives of this video are to: 1) Define wildland fuel management; 2) Explain how fuels are modified; 3) Describe some common desired outcomes; 4) Introduce fuel management in the…
Year: 2018
Type: Media

A Community Wildfire Protection Plan (CWPP) is a plan developed by a community in an area at-risk from wildfire.
Year: 2016
Type: Document