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The Southwest Fire Science Consortium is partnering with FRAMES to help fire managers access important fire science information related to the Southwest's top ten fire management issues.

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Building on insights provided by Beck (1988), Pyne (1982) and others, the paper views wildland fire as an event revealing a social and scientific field in which basic dilemmas that separate nature and culture, environmental autonomy and human…
Year: 1997
Type: Document

Murray, Bunting, Morgan
The subalpine vegetation zone is an extensive and important high elevation setting in the western United States. Whitebark pine (Pinus albicaulis) is restricted to, and occurs widely in, the subalpine zone. This tree provides a valuable foodsource…
Year: 1997
Type: Document

Baisan, Swetnam
Four centuries of land use history were compared to fire regime characteristics along a use-intensity gradient. Changes in intensity and type of utilization varied directly with changes in fire regime characteristics near population centers, while…
Year: 1997
Type: Document

Prescribed fire as a social issue becomes automatically an ecological, political, and economic issue. Any issue that affects us socially we take to the political arena, and its final resolution will involve the costs of different avenues to…
Year: 1997
Type: Document

Bergeron, Harvey
We present a method in which fundamental knowledge of natural ecosystem dynamics of the southern boreal forest may be used as a basis for a new silvicultural approach aimed at maintaining biodiversity and long-term ecosystem productivity under…
Year: 1997
Type: Document