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The Southwest Fire Science Consortium is partnering with FRAMES to help fire managers access important fire science information related to the Southwest's top ten fire management issues.

Displaying 1 - 10 of 11

Nalder, Wein
We examined the long-term dynamics of upland boreal forest floors after disturbance by fire. We selected two important and contrasting upland tree species, Pinus banksiana (jack fine) and Populus tremuloides (trembling aspen), in three distinct…
Year: 1999
Type: Document

[no description entered]
Year: 1999
Type: Document

Johnson, Miyanishi, O'Brien
Climate modelling studies have predicted an increase in fire frequency with global warming as well as suggesting a longer fire season occurring later in the year. We used 160 years of fire scars in Pinus banksiana Lamb. dating from 1831 to 1948 and…
Year: 1999
Type: Document

Weng, Jackson
Sediment cores spanning the last 13,500 calendar years (cal yr) were obtained from two lakes (Fracas Lake, 2518 m; Bear Lake, 2778 m) on the Kaibab Plateau in northern Arizona. Pollen and plant macrofossil records indicate that before ∼12,900 cal yr…
Year: 1999
Type: Document

Fosberg, Cramer, Brovkin, Fleming, Gardner, Gill, Goldammer, Keane, Koehler, Lenihan, Neilson, Sitch, Thornicke, Venevski, Weber, Wittenberg
From the text...'Disturbance plays a major role in shaping and maintaining many of the Earth's terrestrial ecosystems. In fact, many ecosystems depend on fire for their very existence. Global Change is expected to result in changed distribution of…
Year: 1999
Type: Document

Anderson, Romme, Meyer, Knight, Wallace
From the text...'Bill Wattenburg (Letters, Science's Compass, 6 Nov., p. 1051) accuses the U.S. National Park Service and ecologists quoted by Richard Stone (Research News, 5 June, p. 1527) of struggling 'to rationalize the official burning of the…
Year: 1999
Type: Document

He, Mladenoff
Understanding disturbance and recovery of forest landscapes is a challenge because of complex interactions over a range of temporal and spatial scales. Landscape simulation models offer an approach to studying such systems at broad scales. Fire can…
Year: 1999
Type: Document

Swetnam, Allen, Betancourt
Applied historical ecology is the use of historical knowledge in the management of ecosystems. Historical perspectives increase our understanding of the dynamic nature of landscapes and provide a frame of reference for assessing modern patterns and…
Year: 1999
Type: Document

Chapter 13 in the book titled, Issues in Landscape Ecology.
Year: 1999
Type: Document

Interior West forests include a wide variety of forest types with unique characteristics. Disturbances, primarily by fire, tended to be both cyclic and stochastic, and in some cases equilibrium landscapes were the result. The strongest case for…
Year: 1999
Type: Document