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The Southwest Fire Science Consortium is partnering with FRAMES to help fire managers access important fire science information related to the Southwest's top ten fire management issues.

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Studies of anticipated effects of global warming tend to concentrate on the physiological limits of individual organisms, and imputed modifications to biome distributions expresed as climax ecosystems. Changes in distributions of individual species…
Year: 1993
Type: Document

Landhausser, Wein
1. A fire of unusually great severity (deep burning) burned across the forest-tundra near Inuvik, Northwest Territories from August 8 to 18, 1968. 2. Burned-unburned paired study sites around the fire perimeter, which had been established in both…
Year: 1993
Type: Document

Wotton, Flannigan
The Canadian Climate Centre's General Circulation Model provides two 10-year data sets of simulated daily weather for a large array of gridpoints across North America. A subset of this data, comprised of only those points within the forested part of…
Year: 1993
Type: Document

Auclair, Carter
Since 1977, the extent of forest wildfires in the boreal and western regions of North America increased by 6 to 9x over long-term trends, and an estimated 132x106 ha of temperate and boreal forest burned across the northern hemisphere. Emissions…
Year: 1993
Type: Document