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The Santa Clara Canyon in northern New Mexico suffered near total scorching during the Las Conchas Wildfire, a burn which drastically changed the environment and sediment stability of the canyon. After the fire, a 1% chance rain event exhibited a…
Type: Media
Year: 2024

Roos, Swetnam, Ferguson, Liebmann, Loehman, Welch, Margolis, Guiterman, Hockaday, Aiuvalasit, Battillo, Farella, Kiahtipes
The intersection of expanding human development and wildland landscapes—the “wildland–urban interface” or WUI—is one of the most vexing contexts for fire management because it involves complex interacting systems of people and nature. Here, we…
Type: Document
Year: 2021

Roos, Rittenour, Swetnam, Loehman, Hollenback, Liebmann, Rosenstein
Here, we show that the last century of fire suppression in the western U.S. has resulted in fire intensities that are unique over more than 900 years of record in ponderosa pine forests (Pinus ponderosa). Specifically, we use the heat-sensitive…
Type: Document
Year: 2020

Land managers are challenged to protect cultural resources within the context of reintroducing fire on the landscape. Positive relationships and partnerships are essential to effective management.
Type: Media
Year: 2018

Weintraub, Gonzalez, MacDonald, Gatto, Lyndon, Banks, McLaughlin, Betenson, Hercher
The importance of fire in many western ecosystems cannot be overstated. On the Kaibab National Forest, fire provides habitat for wildlife, maintains watersheds, and supports forest health and productivity. Fire also influences a wide range of values…
Type: Media
Year: 2015

Archaeological assemblages in the American Southwest are currently subjected to periodic wildfires and prescribed burns, and have been exposed to fires in the past. Ceramics are a key constituent of these assemblages, leading to questions regarding…
Type: Document
Year: 2015

Sullivan, Forste
Archaeologists working in the vast coniferous uplands of the American Southwest have commonly assumed that the subsistence economies of the prehistoric peoples who dwelt there focused on corn (Zea mays) agriculture, the erratic yields of which were…
Type: Document
Year: 2014

From Lithic Artifacts and Fire ... 'Artifacts made of stone are generally the best preserved of all material types in the archaeological record, often providing the only evidence of where people lived and worked in the past. Despite its durability,…
Type: Document
Year: 2012

From the text ... 'As the implications of enabling fire to reclaim its roles in wildland ecosystems continue to unfold, we are learning about how we value, view, and treat public lands, forests, fire, archaeological and historical sites, and…
Type: Document
Year: 2012

Timmons, DeBano, Ryan
From Wildland Fire Management Recommendations ... 'The protection of cultural resources during wildland fire is more challenging than for a prescribed burn. Treatment options available to mitigate the direct impacts from wildland fire include use of…
Type: Document
Year: 2012