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The U.S. Forest Service multiple-use concept establishes the importance of managing forests for diverse stakeholders and values. The availability and quality of culturally and economically significant plants are part of this mandate. Beargrass (…
Type: Project
Year: 2018

Meyer, Allen, Beckstead
Annual brome infestation, especially cheatgrass (Bromus tectorum) infestation, is a major contributing cause of environmental degradation on tens of millions of hectares of semiarid rangelands in the Interior West, where repeated burning often…
Type: Project
Year: 2016

Loehman, Archer, Butler, Civitello, Dyer, Evans, Gauthier, Reardon, Steffen
Uncharacteristically severe wildfires can threaten cultural resources through direct effects that are obvious and immediate, such as destruction of structures; or that may be harder to recognize, such as thermal alteration of surface materials.…
Type: Project
Year: 2016

Hamman, Lolley
Fire has been a formative ecological process in forests, shrublands and grasslands throughout the world for millennia. However, a century of fire suppression and exclusion in many ecosystems throughout the United States has led to altered fuel types…
Type: Project
Year: 2014

Watson, Carver
The overall objective is to develop several landscape level stories, through facilitated self-study and mapping exercises, to illustrate specific fire adapted ecosystem sites that contain meanings that have been threatened by environmental change…
Type: Project
Year: 2014

Thode, Evans, Falk, Fulé, Hunter, Iniguez, Wolfson
The Southwest is one of the most fire-dominated regions of the US and stands out for ecological and cultural diversity, but it is limited in terms of regional capability to disseminate fire research and information. We propose the creation of the…
Type: Project
Year: 2013

Johnson, Evett, Lightfoot, Striplen
Indigenous peoples throughout the world have employed fire as a tool to manipulate and shape terrestrial vegetation and wildlife populations to benefit human use (Bird et al 2008, Williams 2002). Research conducted in many regions has reconstructed…
Type: Project
Year: 2013

The over all objective of the Rainbow Series Project is to write, publish, and distribute a series of 'state of the art' reviews of the effects of fire on fauna, flora, air, cultural resources, and soil and water (5 volumes). The Missoula Fire Lab…
Type: Project
Year: 2012

This project will provide a plan of action to broaden and strengthen public and agency understanding of the many cultural and ecological roles of fire past, present, and future in fire-critical regions of the US. To build awareness of immediate fire…
Type: Project
Year: 2012

Wright, Kipfer, Kolden, Lee, Leighton, Riddering
The Northern Rocky Mountain region is one of the most fire-prone regions in the United States. With a history of large fires that have shaped national policy, including the Fires of 1910 and 2000 in Idaho and Montana and the Yellowstone fires of…
Type: Project
Year: 2012