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Pellatt, Gedalof
Globally, colonialism resulted in the suppression of aboriginal land management practices, abetted by the concept of terra nullius, 'belonging to no one'; the belief that aboriginal people had little influence on or ownership of the land. Until…
Type: Document
Year: 2014

Reiner, Ewell
Ali Reiner and Carol Ewell presented a webinar on June 10, 2014. Fire behavior and effects models are frequently used to inform fire and land management decisions despite a lack of testing against field measurements. The Adaptive Management Services…
Type: Media
Year: 2014

Lepofsky, Lertzman
Ethnographic literature documents the pervasiveness of plant-management strategies, such as prescribed burning and other kinds of cultivation, among Northwest Peoples after European contact. In contrast, definitive evidence of precontact plant…
Type: Document
Year: 2008