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Land managers are challenged to protect cultural resources within the context of reintroducing fire on the landscape. Positive relationships and partnerships are essential to effective management.
Type: Media
Year: 2018

Sturdevant, Skalsky, Wienk, Dolan, Gonzalez, Amrine
Today, park managers must routinely balance the restoration needs of natural resources with the preservation of cultural resources. This project was designed to provide park managers with scientific data on the impacts from wildland fire to…
Type: Document
Year: 2009

Sturdevant, Skalsky, Wienk
This experimental study is proposed to address the local area needs of Midwest Region units of the National Park Service with regards to the fire/archeology interface. This proposal outlines an experimental project designed to provide park managers…
Type: Project
Year: 2009

The rejuvenating effects of natural fires prior to 1900 in Southwestern forest communities have been replaced by recent, unprecedented crownfires. These wildfires have given rise to planned expansion of management fire as a tool for ecosystem…
Type: Document
Year: 1997

Cultural Resources (more recently named Heritage Resources) are becoming recognized resources which require the same planning, inventory, mitigation and management activities as other more familiar natural resources. Management of prescribed fire…
Type: Document
Year: 1997