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Lepofsky, Lertzman
Ethnographic literature documents the pervasiveness of plant-management strategies, such as prescribed burning and other kinds of cultivation, among Northwest Peoples after European contact. In contrast, definitive evidence of precontact plant…
Type: Document
Year: 2008

Bean, Sanderson
It is unclear to what extent Native Americans in the pre-European forests of northeast North America used fire to manipulate their landscape. Conflicting historical and archaeological evidence has led authors to differing conclusions regarding the…
Type: Document
Year: 2008

The South Carolina Department of Natural Resources (DNR) acquires land in the state to protect rare species and ecosystems, and significant cultural and archaeological sites. These lands -- called heritage preserves (HPs) -- also provide outstanding…
Type: Document
Year: 1999

Hardy, Keane, Harrington
From the text...'The term restoration relates to activities required to reduce hazards from wildland fires and improve federal forest and grassland health to a condition that can be maintained through periodic disturbance. Restoration and…
Type: Document
Year: 1999

Hornberg, Ostlund, Zackrisson, Bergman
In northern Fennoscandia a rare forest type, characterized by Cladina [Cladonia] spp. (lichens) and Picea abies, occurs on dry productive sites outside the range of permafrost but close to the Scandes mountains. The history of vegetation development…
Type: Document
Year: 1999

[Description from Elsevier website] Tree Rings and Climate deals with the principles of dendrochronology, with emphasis on tree-ring studies involving climate-related problems. This book looks at the spatial and temporal variations in tree-ring…
Type: Document
Year: 1976