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Displaying 61 - 70 of 156

Schwörer, Kaltenrieder, Glur, Berlinger, Elbert, Frei, Gilli, Hafner, Anselmetti, Grosjean, Tinner
Treelines are expected to rise to higher elevations with climate warming; the rate and extent however are still largely unknown. Here we present the first multi-proxy palaeoecological study from the treeline in the Northwestern Swiss Alps that…
Type: Document
Year: 2014

García-Alix, Jiménez-Espejo, Lozano, Jiménez-Moreno, Martínez-Ruiz, Sanjuán, Jimenez, Alfonso, Ruiz-Puertas, Anderson
Present day lead pollution is an environmental hazard of global proportions. A correct determination of natural lead levels is very important in order to evaluate anthropogenic lead contributions. In this paper, the anthropogenic signature of early…
Type: Document
Year: 2013

Prescribed burning is increasingly being used in the deciduous forests of eastern North America. Recent work suggests that historical fire frequency has been overestimated east of the prairie-woodland transition zone, and its introduction could…
Type: Document
Year: 2013

Prescribed burning is increasingly being used in the deciduous forests of eastern North America. Recent work suggests that historical fire frequency has been overestimated east of the prairie-woodland transition zone, and its introduction could…
Type: Document
Year: 2013

Cui, Gaillard, Lemdahl, Sugita, Greisman, Jacobson, Olsson
We present a quantitative reconstruction of local forest history at two sites, Stavsåkra (hemiboreal zone) and Storasjö (southern boreal zone), in southern Sweden (province of Småland) to evaluate possible causes of contrasting Holocene fire…
Type: Document
Year: 2013

Ryan, Koerner, Lee, Siefkin
From the text ... 'This volume is intended to be used as a reference for both cultural resource specialists and fire managers during their planning processes. The intended audience includes resource and fire managers employed by public, tribal, and…
Type: Document
Year: 2012

Ryan, Koerner
From the Conclusions ... 'Fires have impacted cultures for millennia and fire will continue to impact contemporary cultures as well as the remnants of past cultures. The challenge is to manage vagetation/fuels to minimize damage to contemporary…
Type: Document
Year: 2012

Rude, Jones
From the Conclusions ... 'Experimental studies focus mainly on the visual impacts of fire on potsherds. Fire effects on analytical properties of ceramics are less understood. Smoke blackening of sherds located at the ground surface is the most…
Type: Document
Year: 2012

From Lithic Artifacts and Fire ... 'Artifacts made of stone are generally the best preserved of all material types in the archaeological record, often providing the only evidence of where people lived and worked in the past. Despite its durability,…
Type: Document
Year: 2012