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From the Conclusions ... 'Prior to becoming a national park, Shenandoah had gone through periods of indiscriminate logging, hunting, livestock grazing, and burning. Then the area entered the National Park System and shifted abruptly to a regime of…
Type: Document
Year: 1973

Galinat, Ruppe
Another large and significant collection of prehistoric maize cobs (Zea Mays L.) with Tripsacoid characteristics that are indicative of introgression from either Tripsacum spp. or its maize derivative, teosinte (Zea mexicana Reeves and Mangelsdorf…
Type: Document
Year: 1961

The purpose of this paper is to emphasize the precision of the dating of individual rings in long tree-ring chronologies by the use of methods and procedures classed under the name 'dendrochronology'. The operations are based on climatic impressions…
Type: Document
Year: 1946