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Adeleye, Haberle, Connor, Stevenson, Bowman
Indigenous land use and climate have shaped fire regimes in southeast Australia during the Holocene, although their relative influence remains unclear. The archaeologically attested mid-Holocene decline in land-use intensity on the Furneaux Group…
Type: Document
Year: 2021

Carter, Brunelle, Power, DeRose, Bekker, Hart, Brewer, Spangler, Robinson, Abbott, Maezumi, Codding
Climatic conditions exert an important influence on wildfire activity in the western United States; however, Indigenous farming activity may have also shaped the local fire regimes for millennia. The Fish Lake Plateau is located on the Great Basin–…
Type: Document
Year: 2021

Horn, Kennedy
From the text... 'Because maize is a plant that requires human cultivation for survival, we can infer from the distribution of maize pollen that sedentary agriculturalists were present at La Selva by 2700 B.P. This interpretation is consistent with…
Type: Document
Year: 2001