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Lepofsky, Lertzman
Ethnographic literature documents the pervasiveness of plant-management strategies, such as prescribed burning and other kinds of cultivation, among Northwest Peoples after European contact. In contrast, definitive evidence of precontact plant…
Type: Document
Year: 2008

Bean, Sanderson
It is unclear to what extent Native Americans in the pre-European forests of northeast North America used fire to manipulate their landscape. Conflicting historical and archaeological evidence has led authors to differing conclusions regarding the…
Type: Document
Year: 2008

Hangan, Lyndon, Reid, Weintraub, Bettenson, Ruff, Gifford, Haines, Robertson
Archaeology is a major resource issue when there is a fire, whether it is a Wildfire, Wildland Fire Use or a prescribed burn. During fires, the Kaibab National Forest often requests archaeologists from other forests and regions to assist with fires…
Type: Document
Year: 2008