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McWethy, Haberle, Hopf, Bowman
Aim: To evaluate the influence of climate and Aboriginal landscape management on Holocene vegetation and fire activity. Location: Flinders Island, Bass Strait, Tasmania where archaeological data document extended periods of human presence and…
Type: Document
Year: 2017

Rangeland drills are commonly employed for post fire rehab and emergency stabilization. With the assumption that adverse effects will occur, archaeological sites are flagged and avoided. This may cause a site stranding effect and greater potential…
Type: Media
Year: 2017

Pini, Ravazzi, Raiteri, Guerreschi, Castellano, Comolli
1. This paper addresses the origin and development of the oldest prehistoric pasture in the timberline ecotone known so far in the Alps and its relation to anthropogenic pressure and natural climate change. 2. Palaeoecological and geochemical…
Type: Document
Year: 2017

Lancelotti, Ruiz-Pérez, García-Granero
The identification of fuel-related practices in archaeological contexts is almost always associated with the identification of fire-related structures. Charcoal analysis is the standard method of identifying wood use in the past; however, in many…
Type: Document
Year: 2017

Dietre, Walser, Kofler, Kothieringer, Hajdas, Lambers, Reitmaier, Haas
Agro-pastoral activities in the past act as environmental legacy and have shaped the current cultural landscape in the European Alps. This study reports about prehistoric fire incidents and their impact on the flora and vegetation near the village…
Type: Document
Year: 2017

Lepofsky, Lertzman
Ethnographic literature documents the pervasiveness of plant-management strategies, such as prescribed burning and other kinds of cultivation, among Northwest Peoples after European contact. In contrast, definitive evidence of precontact plant…
Type: Document
Year: 2008

Black, Mooney, Attenbrow
This paper interprets macroscopic charcoal (>250 μm), humification and loss-on-ignition over the last ~14200 cal. BP from Goochs Swamp, located to the west of Sydney in the Greater Blue Mountains World Heritage Area. This study aimed to…
Type: Document
Year: 2008

Enright, Thomas
We use multiple lines of evidence, including palaeo-environmental, ecological, historical, anthropological and archaeological, to investigate pre-European fire regimes in Australia, with particular focus on the extent to which the use of fire by…
Type: Document
Year: 2008

Haines, Schofer
Over the last three decades, archaeologists employed by federal land management agencies have become increasingly involved in wildland fire incidents. Roles and responsibilities are poorly identified for fire archaeologists, and guidance is limited…
Type: Document
Year: 2008

Bean, Sanderson
It is unclear to what extent Native Americans in the pre-European forests of northeast North America used fire to manipulate their landscape. Conflicting historical and archaeological evidence has led authors to differing conclusions regarding the…
Type: Document
Year: 2008