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Items needed for complete trunks for the Sierra Nevada Curricula. Not all items or quantities are needed for each level (elementary, middle, high).

FireWorks Trunk Items for Sierra NevadaQuantityNotes
Fire Triangle Poster1Can download/print from flash drive/website
Fire Environment Poster1Can download/print from flash drive/website
FireWorks Safety Poster1Can download/print from flash drive/website
Tree Increment Cores Data from a Soda Straw Poster1Can download/print from flash drive/website
Life Size Fire Scar Poster1Can download/print from flash drive/website
Story Time Characters Key Poster1Can download/print from flash drive/website
Set of Tree Cookie Posters1Can download/print from flash drive/website
Set of Increment Core Posters1Can download/print from flash drive/website
Other Items
spray Bottle4Purchase
metal tray (i.e., cookie sheet)4Purchase
votive candles12Purchase
safety goggles4Purchase
oven mitt4Purchase
support stand (if you don't intend to do tinker trees, you can buy a chemistry support stand,
if you are going to do tinker trees, you will need to buy square posts to punch holes through and
a base for the posts to screw into)
metal rod with alligator clips at each end4Purchase
segments of wire rod (for tinker trees)~50Purchase and cut
empty round coffee can, paint can, or round oatmeal box (for insulation activity)1Purchase
insulation materials (1 thin, 1 w/ 5 layers batting, 1 w/ 10 layers batting)1Purchase/Make
small whisk broom1Purchase
~3" diameter rings2Purchase
fence-post caps2Purchase
1-qt freezer container8Purchase
Digital thermometer with thermocouple wire1Purchase
measuring tape1Purchase
hair dryer1Purchase
9” diameter aluminum pie tin with tilted edges4Purchase
hand lenses2Purchase
Buried Treasures Box (10 plant specimens)1Collect locally
Local scarred tree cookie1Collect locally
One knobcone pine cone1Collect locally
Cookie book for tree cookie posters*1Can download from flash drive/website
The Storrie Fire Story*1Can download from flash drive/website
FireWorks Encyclopedia (younger grades)*1Can download from flash drive/website
FireWorks Encyclopedia (older grades)*1Can download from flash drive/website
Matchstick forest kit, includes:
Masonite Boards4Make
small bolts4Purchase
medium bolts4Purchase
long bolts4Purchase
small nail4Purchase
Campfire challenge fuels, includes:
dead conifer needlesbunchCollect locally
small twigs (about 0.5 centimeter in diameter or less)bunchCollect locally
large sticks (about 3 centimeters in diameter)bunchCollect locally
green conifer needlesbunchCollect locally just before doing campfire challenge
Duff (use peat moss)bunchPurchase
Mystery trees box, includes:
Tree bark/trunk specimen12 speciesCollect locally
Cone/flower specimen12 speciesCollect locally
Pressed foliage specimen12 speciesCollect locally
Tree Photo Packet (for middle school)*12 speciesCan download from flash drive/website
Tree Photo Packet (for high school)*12 speciesCan download from flash drive/website

*We recommend storing these documents in sheet protectors within a binder so they can be reused.