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Apr 29 2021 | 2:00 - 4:00pm EDT

Webinars, Seminars and Presentations


Stewart Cedres

Speakers include Sen. Ron Wyden (OR) and representatives from Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory.

The North American electric system infrastructure is vital, enabling our critical infrastructure as well as the nation's safety, prosperity, and wellbeing, but wildfires pose an inherent threat to the system. Approximately 10 percent of wildfire ignitions are sparked by faults on electrical infrastructure or electric equipment failure, and power shutoffs in anticipation of or due to all wildfires are a growing risk.

The Department of Energy and National Labs have organized a weekly series of four, 2-hour webinars on wildfire mitigation capabilities and technologies related to electric system infrastructure. Whether it's a fire created by utility equipment or an oncoming fire that is threatening a utility company's equipment, the National Laboratories have the solutions to help reduce risks. Webinars will be recorded and archived.