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Jun 1 - 2 2016 MDT

Workshops, Trainings and Fieldtrips


Mesa Verde National Park, CO

This course is intended to provide participants with the foundation to serve as Resource Advisors (READs) during wildland fire incidents. Resource Advisors generally work with fire managers to convey concerns about natural, cultural and wilderness resources. The objectives of this course are to improve communication between READs and fire managers, present the rationale for prioritizing and determining an appropriate response to those resource issues, demonstrating how READs can contribute to the management of an incident and provide expectations of professional READs. The course will focus on roles and responsibilities, and will provide participants with strategies and tools for evaluating specific resource concerns. Information will be presented in sufficient detail to serve as a refresher for present resource advisors, and general enough to be basic READ training for those who have never served in this capacity. Much of the information can be applied in the All-Hazard, or All Risk READ environment as well. This course (N-9042) fulfills partial requirement for READ and REAF on a red card.

PARTICIPANTS: Employees that frequently serve as READs include fire managers, botanists, ecologists, biologists, hydrologists, geologists, foresters, GIS specialists and cultural resource specialists. The local Fire Management Officer will authorize the inclusion of 'READ' as a qualification on the wildland fire certification Red Card. A Red Card is not required prior to participating in this course. The course is also valuable for those managing resources on public lands, but with no interest in serving as READs, to become familiar with fire management organizations and the types and formats of resource data that benefit the READ during the course of his or her duties.

Additional requirements to become a qualified READ or REAF can be found in the 2016 Federal Wildland Fire Qualifications Supplement (PDF)

While the course has no tuition fee, the participant's home unit(s) must cover travel expenses.

APPLICATION: contact Lisa Hanson by May 21, 2016