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Time and Attendance

Use of Accounting Codes

Each working group within the WFM RD&A has specific, assigned accounting codes to make purchases against or charge time to, but the codes occasionally change.  Once or twice a year, employees will be notified of accounting code changes by email and the changes are usually effective beginning the next pay period. Check with your supervisor to ensure the accounting code you are using is correct.

Procedures for charging overtime are dependent on whether you are working remotely on an incident or onsite.  See Authorizations and Paperwork Procedures for Overtime on this page.

When and How to turn in a leave slip

USFS Employees

USFS employees are required to fill out a OPM 71 Request for Leave or Approved Absence (Click link, click on "Forms" on Left for PDF, or view here Form OPM71) when three or more days of annual leave is planned. Submit the completed form in hardcopy or electronic format to your supervisor for signature and inclusion in your personnel file prior to travel. Supervisors can email forms to Boise where they can be printed for inclusion in personnel files.

NPS Employees

NPS employees use an automated system that requires employees to submit a leave request via Quicktime. This  request and approval system is sufficent for documentation without need for hardcopies in personnel files.

Authorizations and paperwork procedures for overtime

Working remotely on a fire and working onsite have similar paperwork procedures but there are slight differences when it comes down to which accounting codes you use and when and who signs and/or receives a copy of your emergency firefighter time report.

USFS Employees

Employees must complete an Overtime Request and Authorization form (FS_6100_30) to accrue overtime on their normal job code. This is not needed for overtime accrued while on a fire.

NPS Employees

NPS employees use an automated system that requires employees to submit  an overtime (extra hours) request via Quicktime. This  request and approval system are sufficient for documentation.

Accruing Overtime When Working Remotely on a Fire

If you’ve been issued a resource order and are working on a fire from your normal duty station, ask the incident supervisor for permission to use the Pcode.

If permission to use the Pcode is granted, charge base 8 hours and overtime to it.  Record your time on an OF-288 Emergency Firefighter Time Report (found on FRAMES at RD&A Collaboration> Documents> Admin> Forms) and review it with your supervisor on the incident for verbal approval and ask if they would like a copy sent to them. Sign the form and submit a copy to Boise for inclusion in your records.

If permission to use the Pcode is not granted, use your regular accounting code for base 8 hours and charge overtime to the emergency suppression code assigned to your working group (this code changes annually).  An OF-288 is not required.

If you do not have a resource order, the amount of time spent working remotely on an incident dictates which accounting codes are to be used.

If less than four hours are spent working remotely on an incident, use your regular accounting code for base 8 hours and charge overtime to the emergency suppression code assigned to your working group. An OF-288 is not required.

If greater than four hours are spent working remotely on an incident, request a Pcode and permission to charge base 8 hours and overtime to it. If permission to charge time to a Pcode is granted, record your time on an OF-288 Emergency Firefighter Time Report and review it with your supervisor on the incident for verbal approval and ask if they want a copy sent to them. Sign the form and submit a copy to Boise for inclusion in your records.

If permission to use the Pcode is not granted, use your regular accounting code for base 8 hours and charge overtime to the emergency suppression code assigned to your working group. An emergency firefighter time report is not required.

Question: What if you work a 12-hour day and you want to take credit on your base account, is that OK? How much is OK to work on fires on base time on your maxiflex schedule?

Accruing Overtime When Working On-site at a Fire

If you’ve been issued a resource order and you are working onsite on an incident, ask the incident supervisor for permission to use the Pcode.

If permission to use the Pcode is granted, charge base 8 hours and overtime to it. Record your time on an emergency firefighter time report and submit for signature to your supervisor on the incident and your home unit for inclusion in your records.

If permission to use the Pcode is not granted, use your regular accounting code for base 8 hours and charge overtime to the emergency suppression code assigned to your working group.  An emergency firefighter time report is not required.

If you do not have a resource order, the amount of time spent working on an incident dictates which accounting codes are to be used.

If less than four hours are spent working onsite for an incident, use your regular accounting code for base 8 hours and charge overtime to the emergency suppression code assigned to your working group. An emergency firefighter time report is not required.

If greater than four hours is spent working onsite for an incident, request a Pcode and permission to charge base 8 hours and overtime to it. If permission to charge time to a Pcode is granted, record your time in an emergency firefighter time report and submit for signature to your supervisor on the incident. If permission to use the Pcode is not granted, use your regular accounting code for base 8 hours and charge overtime to the emergency suppression code assigned to your working group. An emergency firefighter time report is not required.

NPS employees will need to contact Christine Peters, give her the Pcode and request a NPS account code be issued.

Compensatory time

Compensatory time can be earned in lieu of overtime if if the hours are earned with approval from your supervisor or if you are working on a fire. It is also earned when you travel outside of your established work schedule and on weekends. This type of comp time earned does not require supervisor approval.

Compensatory time in lieu of overtime

You can accrue compensatory time in lieu of overtime when charging to a Pcode or other emergency fire suppression code.

You can accrue compensatory time in lieu of overtime using your regular base 8 hours accounting code if you’ve completed an Overtime Request and Authorization form (FS_6100_30) ahead of time and you have approval from your supervisor to do so. To earn comp time in this manner, your credit hours must be maxed and your workload and job responsibilities must warrant additional hours on the clock.

Compensatory time when in travel status

You gain compensatory time when you are in travel status outside of your normal working hours and on weekends. Compensatory time for travel is a way to compensate employees while traveling for official duty when they cannot be compensated in any other way.  It is earned for actual travel time, and can be used under the same conditions as Credit Time and regular Comp Time. To designate the difference between Comp Time for Travel and regular Comp Time, the prefix 78 is added to the Comp Time TCs, i.e. 78 32 and 78 64.  Comp Time for Travel hours are paid at regular wage. Comp Time for Travel must be used within 1 year of earning it and does not require supervisor approval. NPS employees must use Travel Comp code 046 for TRAVEL outside of regular work schedules.

Code and Submit paycheck (USFS)

Paycheck Transaction Codes

For helpful information on how to code your paycheck, refer to the hardcopy Employee Orientation Packet from NIFC. There is a section on Time and Attendance Sheets 101 that may answer questions about holiday pay, leave, comp time, and credit hours.

Paycheck Access (access privileges, RESL 4)

Give at least two people access privileges to your T&A, that way you are covered if you and your primary backup are unable to submit your time.  One of those two should be Kelly Jardine at NIFC.

Paycheck Settings

USFS employees When earning overtime on an incident, ensure that you have RESL set to 4 in your pay options. This will ensure that you earn full time and a half for your overtime if you are an exempt employee.


Your supervisor on paper may not be the one to approve your T&As.  Check with your supervisor to find out who will be approving your timesheet.

Code and Submit Paycheck (DOI)

NPS uses Quicktime, an online paycheck system. This content needs to be written.