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Resource Catalog


  • US Forest Service, Research Data Archive
Funding Source(s):
  • Joint Fire Science Program
  • US Forest Service, Fire and Aviation Management
  • US Forest Service, Stanislaus National Forest
  • US Forest Service, Sequoia National Forest
  • US Forest Service, Northern Research Station
Publication Date: 2019

This data publication contains the raw and processed surface and ground fuels data for the plots in which pre- and post-fire fuels, and fire behavior data were collected by the Fire Behavior Assessment Team (FBAT) on a subset of wildland fires in the United States from 2003-2017. FBAT collects pre- and post-fire fuels and tree data along with fire behavior measurements on wildland fires. FBAT is an interagency group of primarily Forest Service employees with both monitoring and fireline qualifications which collects pre- and post-fire fuels and tree data along with fire behavior measurements on wildland fires. Logistics (proximity to instrumentation/crew members), funding, fire activity, and monitoring questions influenced the geographic regions and fires where sampling was attempted, for instance, fuel treatments recorded in the Forest Service Activity Tracking System (FACTS), as well as tree mortality areas, were each targets for FBAT sampling in the past. Data include litter, duff, 1, 10, 100 and 1000-hour fuel loadings and maximum fuel bed depth. Coefficients and equations used to calculate fuel loading from depths and fuel counts are also included. Brown's planar intercept methods were used for the downed woody fuels. [This data product is archived in the USFS Research Data Archive, number RDS-2019-0010.]

Citation: Reiner, Alicia L.; Ewell, Carol M.; Fites-Kaufman, Josephine A.; Dailey, Scott N.; Noonan-Wright, Erin K.; Norman, Tiffany P.; Vaillant, Nicole M.; Dickinson, Matthew B.; Morgan, Chelsea; Courson, Mark; Campbell, Mike. 2019. Fire Behavior Assessment Team: surface and ground fuels, raw and processed. Fort Collins, CO: Forest Service Research Data Archive.
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Cataloging Information

  • biomass
  • environment
  • FBAT - Fire Behavior Assessment Team
  • fire severity
  • forest management
  • ground fuels
  • location
  • multiple species
  • plants
  • surface fuels
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FRAMES Record Number: 57877