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The Alaska Reference Database originated as the standalone Alaska Fire Effects Reference Database, a ProCite reference database maintained by former BLM-Alaska Fire Service Fire Ecologist Randi Jandt. It was expanded under a Joint Fire Science Program grant for the FIREHouse project (The Northwest and Alaska Fire Research Clearinghouse). It is now maintained by the Alaska Fire Science Consortium and FRAMES, and is hosted through the FRAMES Resource Catalog. The database provides a listing of fire research publications relevant to Alaska and a venue for sharing unpublished agency reports and works in progress that are not normally found in the published literature.

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As a restorationist who has been conducting and supervising prescribed fires for more than 18 years, I have long been concerned about the casual way many restorationists approach this potentially dangerous aspect of restoration. I would like to suggest that restoration-oriented…
Year: 1996
Type: Document
Source: TTRS

Greene, Evenden
From the Conclusions...'Attempts to exclude fire from wildland ecosystems in the Intermountain and Pacific Northwest Regions have had serious ecological impacts on at least 79 of the established and proposed Research Natural Areas. Numerous ecological and operational challenges…
Year: 1996
Type: Document
Source: TTRS

Ottmar, Schaaf, Alvarado
From the Introduction...'Fire is the single most important ecological disturbance process throughout the interior Pacific Northwest (Mutch and others 1993; Agee 1994). It is also a natural process that helps maintain a diverse ecological landscape. Fire suppression and timber…
Year: 1996
Type: Document
Source: TTRS

Hirsch, Martell
Information regarding the productivity and effectiveness of initial attack fire crews is essential to a wide variety of forest fire management activities. This paper provides a selective review of crew productivity research conducted in Australia, Canada, and the United States…
Year: 1996
Type: Document

This paper's title - "Can we restore the fire process? What awaits us if we don't?" - represents an ecologist's view of the world. I submit that this view is unrealistic. The first clause uses the term "restore" which implies reestablishing the fire process of the past. The…
Year: 1996
Type: Document