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The Alaska Reference Database originated as the standalone Alaska Fire Effects Reference Database, a ProCite reference database maintained by former BLM-Alaska Fire Service Fire Ecologist Randi Jandt. It was expanded under a Joint Fire Science Program grant for the FIREHouse project (The Northwest and Alaska Fire Research Clearinghouse). It is now maintained by the Alaska Fire Science Consortium and FRAMES, and is hosted through the FRAMES Resource Catalog. The database provides a listing of fire research publications relevant to Alaska and a venue for sharing unpublished agency reports and works in progress that are not normally found in the published literature.

Displaying 1 - 25 of 179

Hayes, Sekavec, Quigley, Ewell, Cunningham
In 2007, the Wildland Fire Leadership Council (WFLC) organized a task group to: 1) Develop a monitoring plan for implementing a directive from the National Fire Plan’s 10-Year Implementation Strategy, and 2) Respond to the Healthy Forest Restoration Act requirement of monitoring…
Year: 2008
Type: Document
Source: FRAMES

Hayes, Sekavec, Quigley, Ewell, Cunningham
In 2007, the Wildland Fire Leadership Council (WFLC) organized a task group to: 1) Develop a monitoring plan for implementing a directive from the National Fire Plan’s 10-Year Implementation Strategy, and 2) Respond to the Healthy Forest Restoration Act requirement of monitoring…
Year: 2008
Type: Document
Source: FRAMES

[no description entered]
Year: 1984
Type: Document
Source: TTRS

[no description entered]
Year: 1984
Type: Document
Source: TTRS

[no description entered]
Year: 1984
Type: Document
Source: TTRS

[no description entered]
Year: 1984
Type: Document
Source: TTRS

[no description entered]
Year: 1984
Type: Document
Source: TTRS

Yamasaki, Duchesneau, Doyon, Russell, Gooding
The cumulative impacts of human and natural activity on forest landscapes in Alberta are clear. Human activity, such as forestry and oil and gas development, and natural processes such as wildfire leave distinctive marks on the composition, age class structure and spatial…
Year: 2008
Type: Document
Source: TTRS

Hobbs, Currall, Gimingham
From the Summary ... '(1) The use of heat-sensitive materials to study temperatures in vegetation fires is reviewed. (2) A pyrometer using 'Thermocolor* paints on mica strips is described and a calibration is given for heath fire conditions. (3) A method of data presentation is…
Year: 1984
Type: Document
Source: TTRS

From the text ... 'Forest wildfires are a growing issue of concern in the United States, with average annual area burned escalating rapidly compared to levels in the 1980s and 1990s (approximately 1.2 million hectares/year in the 80s vs. 2.8 million ha/year from 2000-2006). Many…
Year: 2008
Type: Document
Source: TTRS

Smirnova, Bergeron, Brais
North American jack pine (Pinus banksiana Lamb.) stands are generally characterized by an even-aged structure resulting from high intensity fires (HIF). However, non-lethal fires of moderate intensity (MIF), which leave behind surviving trees, have also been reported. The…
Year: 2008
Type: Document
Source: TTRS

Prestemon, Abt, Huggett
We describe a two-stage model of global log and chip markets that evaluates the spatial and temporal economic effects of government-subsidized fire-related mechanical fuel treatment programs in the U.S. West and South. The first stage is a goal program that allocates subsidies…
Year: 2008
Type: Document
Source: TTRS

Mozumder, Raheem, Talberth, Berrens
With evidence of increasing wildfire risks in wildland-urban interface zones in the U.S. West and elsewhere, understanding intended evacuation behavior is a growing issue for community planners. This research investigates intended evacuation behavior due to wildfire risks, using…
Year: 2008
Type: Document
Source: TTRS

Kreyling, Schmiedinger, Macdonald, Beierkuhnlein
Besides natural tree regeneration itself, the development of the forest understory community is highly indicative of the ecological recovery of forest stands post-harvesting, and therefore of the sustainability of forest management. High mountain forests might show particularly…
Year: 2008
Type: Document
Source: TTRS

Hartsough, Abrams, Barbour, Drews, McIver, Moghaddas, Schwilk, Stephens
We collected data at seven sites in the western US, on the costs of fuel reduction operations (prescribed fire, mechanical treatment, mechanical plus fire), and measured the effects of these treatments on surface fuel and stand parameters. We also modeled the potential behavior…
Year: 2008
Type: Document
Source: TTRS

Drury, Veblen
Patterns of fire occurrence within the Las Bayas Forestry Reserve, Mexico are analyzed in relation to variability in climate, topography, and human land-use. Significantly more fires with shorter fire return intervals occurred from 1900 to 1950 than from 1950 to 2001. However,…
Year: 2008
Type: Document
Source: TTRS

Doyon, Yamasaki, Duchesneau
The Natural Range of Variability is a concept used under the ecosystem management paradigm that means understanding the disturbance-driven spatial and temporal variability of the ecological systems and mimicking them in management strategies. With this project, we developed a…
Year: 2008
Type: Document
Source: TTRS

Chapin, Trainor, Huntington, Lovecraft, Zavaleta, Natcher, McGuire, Nelson, Ray, Calef, Fresco, Huntington, Rupp, DeWilde, Naylor
Recent global environmental and social changes have created a set of ''wicked problems'' for which there are no optimal solutions. In this article, we illustrate the wicked nature of such problems by describing the effects of global warming on the wildfire regime and indigenous…
Year: 2008
Type: Document
Source: TTRS

Barbour, Zhou, Prestemon
This study reports the results from a 5 year simulation of forest thinning intended to reduce fire hazard on publicly managed lands in the western United States. A state simulation model of interrelated timber markets was used to evaluate the timber product outputs.…
Year: 2008
Type: Document
Source: TTRS

Coops, Timko, Wulder, White, Ortlepp
We review a broad range of mitigation strategies associated with the management of Mountain Pine Beetle (Dendroctonus ponderosae Hopkins). We consider: methods that are currently utilised or have been proposed for controlling beetle populations; the manner in which the…
Year: 2008
Type: Document
Source: TTRS

Whitlock, Marlon, Briles, Brunelle, Long, Bartlein
Pollen and high-resolution charcoal records from the north-western USA provide an opportunity to examine the linkages among fire, climate, and fuels on multiple temporal and spatial scales. The data suggest that general charcoal levels were low in the late-glacial period and…
Year: 2008
Type: Document
Source: TTRS

Pierce, Meyer
Alluvial fan deposits are widespread and preserve millennial-length records of fire. We used these records to examine changes in fire regimes over the last 2000 years in Yellowstone National Park mixed-conifer forests and drier central Idaho ponderosa pine forests. In Idaho,…
Year: 2008
Type: Document
Source: TTRS

Martinez-Hernandez, Rodríguez-Trejo
In the Ajusco volcano, in Central Mexico, prescribed burnings of low and high intensity were applied in March and May 2002, along with one unburned control for March and another for May, considering conditions of open stands and closed stands, with the objective of evaluating,…
Year: 2008
Type: Document
Source: TTRS

Ziel, Jolly
In 2005, 40 new fire behavior fuel models were published for use with the Rothermel Surface Fire Spread Model. These new models are intended to augment the original 13 developed in 1972 and 1976. As a compiled set of quantitative fuel descriptions that serve as input to the…
Year: 2008
Type: Document
Source: TTRS

From the text (p.292) ... 'Monitoring may be difficult to plan, implement, analyze, interpret, and integrate into the adaptive management process, but long term monitoring on permanent plots often provides the best way, and sometimes the only way, to evaluate the impact of fire…
Year: 2008
Type: Document
Source: TTRS