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The Alaska Reference Database originated as the standalone Alaska Fire Effects Reference Database, a ProCite reference database maintained by former BLM-Alaska Fire Service Fire Ecologist Randi Jandt. It was expanded under a Joint Fire Science Program grant for the FIREHouse project (The Northwest and Alaska Fire Research Clearinghouse). It is now maintained by the Alaska Fire Science Consortium and FRAMES, and is hosted through the FRAMES Resource Catalog. The database provides a listing of fire research publications relevant to Alaska and a venue for sharing unpublished agency reports and works in progress that are not normally found in the published literature.

Displaying 1 - 25 of 137

This article presents a redefinition of the tree classes proposed by the author in 1936 for determining the susceptibility of ponderosa pines to bark beetle attack. It is based on additional study of 3,700 trees and should assist in placing borderline trees in the class most…
Year: 1943
Type: Document
Source: FRAMES

[no description entered]
Year: 1974
Type: Document
Source: TTRS

[no description entered]
Year: 1974
Type: Document
Source: TTRS

[no description entered]
Year: 1974
Type: Document
Source: TTRS

[no description entered]
Year: 1974
Type: Document
Source: TTRS

[no description entered]
Year: 1974
Type: Document
Source: TTRS

[no description entered]
Year: 1943
Type: Document
Source: TTRS

Kirk, Davis, Martin, Hodges, Easley
[no description entered]
Year: 1974
Type: Document
Source: TTRS

[no description entered]
Year: 1974
Type: Document
Source: TTRS

[no description entered]
Year: 1819
Type: Document
Source: TTRS

[no description entered]
Year: 1974
Type: Document
Source: TTRS

[no description entered]
Year: 1974
Type: Document
Source: TTRS

[no description entered]
Year: 1974
Type: Document
Source: TTRS

[no description entered]
Year: 1943
Type: Document
Source: TTRS

Barney, Berglund
[no description entered]
Year: 1974
Type: Document
Source: TTRS

[no description entered]
Year: 1974
Type: Document
Source: TTRS

Schmiege, Helmers, Bishop
[no description entered]
Year: 1974
Type: Document
Source: TTRS

[no description entered]
Year: 1974
Type: Document
Source: TTRS

Ferguson, Lawson
[no description entered]
Year: 1974
Type: Document
Source: TTRS

[no description entered]
Year: 1974
Type: Document
Source: TTRS

[no description entered]
Year: 1974
Type: Document
Source: TTRS

[no description entered]
Year: 1885
Type: Document
Source: TTRS

[no description entered]
Year: 1974
Type: Document
Source: TTRS

From the conclusion and summary:... 'A. Richness indices, based directly on species number. 1. Species number per sample measures richness as here defined and is the most basic and general diversity measurement. It is, however, affected by arbitrary choice of sample size and…
Year: 1974
Type: Document
Source: TTRS