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The Alaska Reference Database originated as the standalone Alaska Fire Effects Reference Database, a ProCite reference database maintained by former BLM-Alaska Fire Service Fire Ecologist Randi Jandt. It was expanded under a Joint Fire Science Program grant for the FIREHouse project (The Northwest and Alaska Fire Research Clearinghouse). It is now maintained by the Alaska Fire Science Consortium and FRAMES, and is hosted through the FRAMES Resource Catalog. The database provides a listing of fire research publications relevant to Alaska and a venue for sharing unpublished agency reports and works in progress that are not normally found in the published literature.

Displaying 1 - 25 of 484

Context. Apart from causing tragic loss of lives and valuable natural and individual properties including thousands of hectares of forest and hundreds of houses, forest fires are a great menace to ecologically healthy grown forests and protection of the environment. Every year,…
Year: 2014
Type: Document
Source: FRAMES

[no description entered]
Year: 1953
Type: Document
Source: TTRS

[no description entered]
Year: 1957
Type: Document
Source: TTRS

[no description entered]
Year: 1953
Type: Document
Source: TTRS

Maisenhelder, Heavrin
[no description entered]
Year: 1957
Type: Document
Source: TTRS

[no description entered]
Year: 1957
Type: Document
Source: TTRS

[no description entered]
Year: 1957
Type: Document
Source: TTRS

Albertson, Tomanek, Riegel
[no description entered]
Year: 1957
Type: Document
Source: TTRS

Palmer, Tonkin
[no description entered]
Year: 1957
Type: Document
Source: TTRS

[no description entered]
Year: 1957
Type: Document
Source: TTRS

[no description entered]
Year: 1953
Type: Document
Source: TTRS

[no description entered]
Year: 1953
Type: Document
Source: TTRS

[no description entered]
Year: 1957
Type: Document
Source: TTRS

[no description entered]
Year: 1957
Type: Document
Source: TTRS

Lin, McCarty, Wang, Rogers, Morton, Collatz, Jin, Randerson
Fires in croplands, plantations, and rangelands contribute significantly to fire emissions in the United States, yet are often overshadowed by wildland fires in efforts to develop inventories or estimate responses to climate change. Here we quantified decadal trends, interannual…
Year: 2014
Type: Document
Source: TTRS

From the text ... 'The grass on the prairies becomes, in the autumn, much drier and more combustible than it usually does in Europe; and, when it is remembered that the American climate is much drier than ours, that high winds are more prevalent, and that the area over which a…
Year: 1892
Type: Document
Source: TTRS

Gaughan, Piacitelli, Chen, Law, Virji, Edwards, Enright, Schwegler-Berry, Leonard, Wagner, Kobzik, Kales, Hughes, Christiani, Siegel, Cox-Ganser, Hoover
Respiratory problems are common among wildland firefighters. However, there are few studies directly linking occupational exposures to respiratory effects in this population. Our objective was to characterize wildland fire fighting occupational exposures and assess their…
Year: 2014
Type: Document
Source: FRAMES

Sullivan, Sharples, Matthews, Plucinski
There is currently no fundamental understanding of the effects of topography on the behaviour of fires burning over a landscape. While a number of empirical models are employed operationally around the world, the effects of negative slopes on fire spread are ignored in all but…
Year: 2014
Type: Document
Source: TTRS

From the text ... 'Noah Strycker's new book, 'The Thing with Feathers' provides a wonderful response to the relative who likes to remind you that you could have made more money working as an engineer. The inspiration the study of birds invokes may seem unusual to curmudgeonly…
Year: 2014
Type: Document
Source: TTRS

From the text ... 'Under the statute [Budget Control Act which Congress passed in 2011], when unpredictable events such as Hurricane Sandy are destructive enough to be declared disasters by the president, the Federal Emergency Management Agency is authorized to exceed its annual…
Year: 2014
Type: Document
Source: TTRS

Nlungu-Kweta, Leduc, Bergeron
Ongoing climate change is likely to result in shifts in successional dynamics in boreal mixedwood stands. Using data from provincial forest inventory databases, we examined the occurrence and abundance of the regeneration of various coniferous species (white spruce, black spruce…
Year: 2014
Type: Document
Source: TTRS

Mueller, Mell, Simeoni
Large eddy simulation (LES) based computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulators have obtained increasing attention in the wildland fire research community, as these tools allow the inclusion of important driving physics. However, due to the complexity of the models, individual…
Year: 2014
Type: Document
Source: TTRS

Larson, Boyer, Armsworth
The effectiveness of conservation organizations is determined in part by how they adapt to changing conditions. Over the previous decade, economic conditions in the United States (US) showed marked variation including a period of rapid growth followed by a major recession. We…
Year: 2014
Type: Document
Source: TTRS

Taking the first IUCN Red List from 1988 as a starting point, I review trends in the threat status of the woodpecker species of the world, the geographical distribution of (near-) threatened woodpecker species, threat factors affecting these species, and the research output…
Year: 2014
Type: Document
Source: TTRS